
2 unusual facts about Henry IV of Castile

Aguilar del Río Alhama

In 1463 Henry IV of Castile subjected many villages to his dominion, including Aguilar, under the compromisal ruling granted by Louis XI of France.

Henry IV of Castile

One of Henry's detractors, the historiographer Alfonso de Palencia wrote that the marriage had been a sham and accused Henry of despising his wife and planning to commit adultery to bear children.

Pedro González de Mendoza

he was the partisan of the Princess Isabella, afterwards queen, while his eldest brother Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 2nd marquis of Santillana, remained however faithful to king Henry IV of Castile, till his rather controverted death in December 1474.

see also

Alfonso de Palencia

This chronicle, written in Latin, covers the time from the end of the reign of John II of Castile to the year 1481, including the reign of Henry IV of Castile; Henry IV’s war with Prince Alfonso; the War of the Castilian Succession; the consolidation of Castile and Aragon under Ferdinand and Isabella; and the signing of the Treaty of Alcáçovas.