Other characters included Ed's wife Marge Huddles (voiced by Jean Vander Pyl, also the voice of Wilma Flintstone), their rather jovial if acerbic neighbor Claude Pertwee (voiced by Paul Lynde) who tended to refer to Ed and Bubba as "savages" {Pertwee's only friend is a spoiled cat named "Beverley"}; their teammate Freight Train (voiced by Herb Jeffries), and their daughter Pom-Pom.
herb | Herb Alpert | Herb Kohl | Herb Caen | Herb | James J. Jeffries | Herb Dean | Jared Jeffries | Herb Kelleher | Nacio Herb Brown | Lionel Jeffries | Herb Pomeroy | Herb Plews | Herb Grubel | Herb Elliott | Shavar Jeffries | Kiki and Herb | Herb Trawick | Herb Shriner | Herb Hendler | Herb (from Basic Equipment) | Herb Drury | Herb Dhaliwal | Herb Curtis | Herb Butterfield | Herb Abrams | Hakeem Jeffries | Ron Jeffries | John Jeffries | Herb Thomas |
She was married to Duke Ellington's singer (black cowboy star) Herb Jeffries and, according to her own account, was the only woman to have been romantically involved with both Mickey Cohen and Elvis Presley.