
unusual facts about Herborn


Herborn, Rhineland-Palatinate, a German village in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate


The community lies between Bundesstraßen 255, linking Koblenz and Hachenburg, and 414, leading from Montabaur to Herborn.

County of Nassau

In the middle of the 12th century, this relationship was strengthened by the acquisition of parts of the Hesse-Thüringen feudal kingdom, namely the Herborner Mark, the Kalenberger Zent and the Court of Heimau (Löhnberg).

The boundary line was essentially the Lahn, with Otto receiving the northern part of the county with the cities of Siegen, Dillenburg, Herborn and Haiger and Walram retaining the section south of the river, including the cities of Weilburg and Idstein.

Ernesto Geisel

His father was Guilherme Augusto Geisel (born Wilhelm August Geisel), a German teacher from Herborn.


The highway runs thence alongside the Aartalsee (a reservoir) on to Herborn, ending at Montabaur.

Herborn Academy

On 17 December 1811 Napoleon issued a decree for the Duchy of Berg (to which Herborn had been annexed in 1806) to establish a state university in Düsseldorf and to close the Herborn Academy in its favor.

Katedralskolan, Linköping

In accordance with its commitment to international cooperation, the school also maintains exchange programmes with schools in Herborn, Germany, the lycée de l'Elorn, Landerneau, France and Scarborough, England, Linköping's sister city Joensuu, Finland, and Spain.

see also