
unusual facts about Herzl

Australian Jewish News

1957: Due to failing health, Shaiak sells the Australian Jewish Times to Herzl Press.


In 1903, Joseph Chamberlain, the British colonial secretary, agreed to consider Arish, and Herzl commissioned the lawyer David Lloyd George a charter draft, but his application was turned down once an expedition, led by Leopold Kessler had returned and submitted a detailed report to Herzl, which outlined a proposal to divert some of the Nile waters to the area for the purpose of settlement.

Bialik College

The three houses, Weizmann (Green), Szold (Yellow) and Herzl (Red), are mainly used for interhouse sports and are named for Chaim Weizmann, Henrietta Szold and Theodore Herzl.

Gymnasia Realit

The Gimnasia's first location was on Herzl street in a three room apartment and only 9 students graduated in its first year.

Jewish Territorialist Organization

In response to the horrors of Kishinev, England’s Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain proposed to Herzl the creation a semiautonomous region on the Uasin Gishu plateau in British East Africa for Jewish settlement.

Mikveh Israel

In 1898, Theodor Herzl met the German Emperor Wilhelm II at the main entrance of Mikveh Israel during Herzl's sole visit to Palestine.

The meeting, a P.R. event engineered by Herzl to publically meet the Kaiser, was misinterpreted by the world media as a legitimization of Herzl and Zionism by Germany.

Mount Herzl

To the north of Herzl's grave is a plot reserved for the leaders of the World Zionist Organization, among them David Wolffsohn, Nahum Sokolow, Simcha Dinitz, and Arieh Dulchin.

see also