
2 unusual facts about High Holy Days


Some Jews among the Dor Daim and Talmidhe haRambam understand both the Mishneh Torah and the Talmudic source texts concerning bowing in the Shemoneh Esreh to be teaching that one must always prostrate, lying flat on the ground, not only during the High Holy Days, but throughout the year during the four bows of the Amidah.

High Holy Days

The Mishnah, the core work of the Jewish Oral Torah, sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and Sabbatical and jubilee years.

Israel ben Moses Najara

# Olot Ḥodesh, containing 160 piyyuṭim and dirges for the high holy days, Purim, the Ninth of Ab, and occasional ceremonies.

Max Janowski

Max Janowski's choral works include the traditional Jewish prayers "Avinu Malkeinu" ("Our Father, Our King," a hymn for the High Holy Days), "Sim Shalom" ("Song of Peace," which was dedicated to the American diplomat Ralph Bunche), "Yismehu," and "ve-Shomeru".

see also