
unusual facts about High Weald


The name Leonardslee derives from the lea or valley of St Leonard's Forest, one of the ancient forests of the High Weald.

Toys Hill

It lies south of the North Downs, separated from the latter by the Vale of Holmesdale, and immediately north of the Weald of Kent, from which it is visible from many miles away, for example from Ashdown Forest in the High Weald.

see also

High Weald AONB

Ashdown Forest is an internationally important area of lowland heathland occupying the highest sandstone ridge-top of the High Weald.

St Leonard's Forest

The forest was larger than the modern parish, effectively the part of the Rape of Bramber in the High Weald including Rusper, Ifield, the eastern part of modern Horsham and Nuthurst.