
unusual facts about Hijri year

Hijri year

Seventeen years later, the developers of the Islamic calendar chose that year as the year to start counting from: "the first year of the Hijra era, 1 Annum Hegirae (Anno Hegirae when annum is declined in the ablative/locative case, as it is in "in the ordinal year of the Hijra"; cf. Anno Domini), abbreviated 1 AH. The first day of 1 AH corresponds to July 16, 622, denoted as "1 Muharram 1 AH".

Abu Darda

He died in 652 AD (AH 32) in Alexandria, before the assassination of the third Rashudin Calip Uthman.

History of Hyderabad, Sindh

Towards the end of the 1970s and the beginning of 1980s, Karachi was a haven for Muslim refugees who fled anti-Muslim violence in India, known merely as Muhajirs, the word having descent from Hijrat, the exodus of early Muslims along with the prophet from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution due to religious beliefs.

Ibn Hibban

Ibn Hibban died in Bust on a Friday night, eight days before the end of the month of Shawwal in 354 AH.

Muhammad Ash-Shanqeeti

He was born in 1907 (1325 A.H.) in the region known as the Chinguetti Department (hence the title Shanqeetee in his name), which is the eastern part of the state of Mauritania.

Muhammad ibn Muslim and Ibraheem ibn Muslim

On the 20th of Dhu al-Hijjah in 60 Hijra, when the jailer came to give the children their evening meal, he saw them saying their prayers.

Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah

He was also a champion of the Meccan army sent along with his brother Utbah and his nephew Walid ibn Utbah in the Battle of Badr in around 624 AD (2 A.H.).

see also

Muhammad Jaunpuri

Syed Muhammad Mahdi Mau'ood (Urdu: سید محمد جونپورى) (September 9, 1443 - April 23, 1505 AD), (14, Jamadi ul Awal 847 - 23, Ziquada 910) Hijri), commonly known as Nur Pak was a perfect Saint who claimed to be Imam Mahdi at the holy city of Mecca, right in front of Kaaba (between rukn and maqam) in the Hijri year 901(10th Hijri), and is revered as such by Mahdavia and Zikris.