The Hindu Yuva Vahini has been charged by the police in the Mau riots of October 2005, where they organized the Hindu forces in opposition to a politician Mukhtar Ansari, the alleged murderer of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state legislature member Krishnanand Rai.
Hindu | Banaras Hindu University | Hindu mythology | Hindu temple | The Hindu | Hindu College, University of Delhi | Hindu College | Hindu texts | Hindu Kush | Vishva Hindu Parishad | Hindu colony | Hindu philosophy | Yuva | Hindu School, Kolkata | Hindu School | Hindu reform movements | Hindu deities | Eden Hindu Hostel | A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush | The Hindu Matha Dharma Paripalana Sabha | the Hindu | The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual | Somnath temple ("today"; as reclaimed by Hindu | pada (Hindu mythology) | ''New Vishwanath Temple'' also known as ''Birla Mandir'' in the Banaras Hindu University | Mochi (Hindu) | Makara (Hindu mythology) | Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University | Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth and Neo-Nazism | Hindu Temple Society of North America |