Slayers – The Motion Picture, also known as Slayers Perfect (or Slayers the Movie: Perfect Edition) and originally released in Japan simply as Slayers (スレイヤーズ), is a 1995 Japanese comic fantasy adventure anime film written by Kazuo Yamazaki, based on an original story by Hajime Kanzaka, and directed by Yamazaki and Hiroshi Watanabe.
Sadao Watanabe | Watanabe Entertainment | Hiroshi Takahashi | Hiroshi Fujioka | Sadao Watanabe (musician) | Hiroshi Hamaya | Shinichi Watanabe | Kazumi Watanabe | Hiroshi Takahashi (manga artist) | Hiroshi Sugimoto | Hiroshi Kawashima | Ken Watanabe | Hiroshi Kamayatsu | Takeo Watanabe | Hiroshi Yamauchi | Hiroshi Watanabe | Hiroshi Senju | Hiroshi "Monsieur" Kamayatsu | Hiroshi Kyono | Hiroshi Kobayashi | Akio Watanabe | Yuuya Watanabe | Watanabe Tokutarō | Watanabe Productions | Shunsuke Watanabe | Osamu Watanabe | Mamoru Watanabe | Makoto Sei Watanabe | Kazumi Watanabe (sport shooter) | Katsuaki Watanabe |
White on Rice (2009) is a comedy film directed by American director Dave Boyle, director of Big Dreams Little Tokyo (2006), and starring Hiroshi Watanabe, Nae Yuuki, Mio Takada, James Kyson Lee, and Lynn Chen.