
unusual facts about Historical linguistics

Harald Bjorvand

His fields of specialty are general comparative language history, general Indo-Germanic linguistics, all archaic Germanic languages (Old West Norse, Gothic, Old High German etc.), and Germanic linguistics in general, including runes, morphology and etymology.

Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale

It publishes articles in English, French and Mandarin Chinese, and covers a wide range of topics including Generative syntax, Linguistic typologyPhonetics, Phonology and Historical linguistics on all languages of the Sino-Tibetan, Austro-Asiatic, Austronesian, Hmong-Mien, Kra-Dai, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic families, as well as on Japanese, Korean and Ainu.

Doris Bartholomew

Her doctoral dissertation concerned the reconstruction and historical linguistics of the Oto-Pamean languages.

Germanic Parent Language

Germanic Parent Language (GPL) is a term used in historical linguistics to describe the chain of reconstructed languages in the Germanic group referred to as Pre-Germanic Indo-European (PreGmc), Early Proto-Germanic (EPGmc), and Late Proto-Germanic (LPGmc).

Heinrich Schmid

He graduated with first class honours (summa cum laude) in 1946, the core theme of his studies being the History of Languages and the Geography of Languages.


The various runic scripts were well understood by the 19th century, when their analysis became an integral part of the Germanic philology and historical linguistics.

see also

Scott DeLancey

His work focuses on typology and historical linguistics of Tibeto-Burman languages as well as Plateau Penutian, especially the Klamath language.

Winfred P. Lehmann

The volume which grew from this conference, Reconstructing Languages and Cultures (1992, edited by Edgar Charles Polomé and Werner Winter), points to the worldwide impact of Lehmann's work on Indo-European and historical linguistics.