
3 unusual facts about Hollywood blacklist

Naming names

The Hollywood blacklist, during which witnesses denounced alleged communists to investigating committees of Congress

The Michelangelo

In 1955, Philip Loeb died from an overdose of sleeping pills at the hotel in the Hollywood blacklist scandal.

The Weavers at Carnegie Hall

At the time the concert was a come-back for the group following the inclusion of the group on the entertainment industry blacklist.

Dick Shepherd

In the early 1950s, Jews were somewhat ostracized where he worked, and he changed his name to Shepherd, according to his son Scott.

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Other entertainers such as Zero Mostel found themselves on a Hollywood blacklist after taking the Fifth, and were unable to find work for a while in the show business.

Lloyd Gough

Married to the actress Karen Morley, both were brought before the House Un-American Activities Committee and when they invoked the Fifth Amendment they were blacklisted, effectively terminating their careers in Hollywood until the late 1960s.

The Monkey's Uncle

The screen credit for writing reads, "Screenplay by Tom and Helen August", which were the pseudonyms for Alfred Lewis Levitt and Helen Levitt, two writers who were blacklisted.

see also