
unusual facts about Holy Days

Jeanne Paulson

Recently, she appeared in Death of a Salesman at Geva Theatre; other regional credits include work at Arizona Theatre Company (A Moon for the Misbegotten, Copenhagen), La Jolla Playhouse, Mark Taper Forum, and at the South Coast Repertory where she received a L.A. Drama Critic’s Circle Award for Rose in Holy Days.

see also

Benjamin Szold

While a student he officiated during the holy days at Brieg, Silesia (1857), and at Stockholm, Sweden (1858).

Israel ben Moses Najara

He wrote piyyuṭim, pizmonim, seliḥot, widduyim, and dirges for all the week-days and for Sabbaths, holy days, and occasional ceremonies, these piyyuṭim being collected in his Zemirot Yisrael. Many of the piyyuṭim are in Aramaic.

Red letter day

The term came into wider usage with the appearance in 1549 of the first Book of Common Prayer in which the calendar showed special holy days in red ink.

The First Council of Nicaea in 325 decreed the saints' days, feasts and other holy days, which came to be printed on church calendars in red.