
unusual facts about Hospitallers


Albert of Schwarzburg

The Hospitallers were among Henry's staunchest supporters, and in July, Albert led a contingent of knights to the capital Nicosia to secure it in preparation for Henry's return.


An early reference to lands described as "Terra Philippi Vituli" (Latin for "Philip of Calfs land") provides an unaudited confirmation in the form of a petition from the Royal Hospitallers of Kilmainham listing their possessions to Pope Innocent III in 1212.

Fall of Ruad

Sixteen galleys combining the forces of Cyprus with those of the Templars and Hospitallers, and accompanied by Ghazan's ambassador Isol the Pisan, were able to raid Rosetta, Alexandria, Acre, Tortosa and Maraclea.


It was proved that the repair of the bridge with the road to the east was incumbent on the Hospitallers by reason of their tenements at Foulbridge; the road to the west was reparable by the nuns of Yedingham.

Sir Ralph Eure's 'place' here is mentioned in 1537, and the manor, late the possession of the Hospitallers and in the tenure of Sir Ralph Eure, was in 1555–6 granted to the Archbishop of York, but no later mention of it has been found.

Henry de Motlowe

In 1357 he was made a judge of the Court of Common Pleas (England) and in the same year sat on another commission, to investigate an alleged affray between a servant of John Gynwell, Bishop of Lincoln and members of the Order of Hospitallers.

John Aleman

In 1255 they also sold the Hospitallers everything they owned in Acre as well as the casalia of Chasteillon and Rout.

Lord Prior

The title of the leader of the Priory of St John of Jerusalem, the Knights Hospitallers in England, otherwise known as the Grand Prior

Melchbourne Preceptory

On two occasions the Hospitallers of Bedfordshire came into collision with the canons of Dunstable Priory, on account of one of the customs of their order.

Order of Penitents

:Also called Nuns or Hospitallers of Our Lady of Nancy, founded at Nancy in 1631 by Ven.


In 1298 or 1299, the military orders—the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller—and their leaders, including Jacques de Molay, Otton de Grandson and the Great Master of the Hospitallers, briefly campaigned in Armenia, in order to fight off an invasion by the Mamluks.

St. John's Priory, Viborg

On Good Friday 1525 he preached Luther's ideas to the congregation at Antvorskov Abbey on Zealand, the headquarters of the Hospitallers in Scandinavia.

see also