
unusual facts about How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the Classroom

A Disappearing Number

The play includes live tabla playing, which "morphs seductively into pure mathematics", as the Financial Times review put it, "especially when … its rhythms shade into chants of number sequences reminiscent of the libretto to Philip Glass's Einstein on the Beach. One can hear the beauty of the sequences without grasping the rules that govern them."

Adriaan Cornelis Zaanen

In 1947 Zaanen accepted the position of Professor of Mathematics at the Technische Hogeschool Bandoeng.

Antonio Maria Bordoni

Antonio Bordoni was born in Mezzana Corti (province of Pavia), on 19 July 1788 and graduated in Mathematics in Pavia 7 June 1807.

Backup rotation scheme

It is based on the mathematics of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle, using a recursive method to optimize the back-up cycle.

Benedikt Löwe

Löwe received his BA in mathematics and philosophy at the University of Hamburg and continued his studies at the University of Tübingen, the University of Berlin and Berkeley.

Bharath Sriraman

The Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Series in Mathematics Education, no.12, Information Age Publishing Charlotte, North Carolina

Birmingham Metropolitan College

The classes available were Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Metallurgy, Mathematics, Handicrafts and Typography and Drawing.

Colin de Verdière graph invariant

Colin de Verdière's invariant is a graph parameter \mu(G) for any graph G, introduced by Yves Colin de Verdière in 1990.


Centre of Science and Technology (COSAT) is the first of three STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) schools in the Western Cape of South Africa.

Cusp form

In number theory, a branch of mathematics, a cusp form is a particular kind of modular form, distinguished in the case of modular forms for the modular group by the vanishing in the Fourier series expansion (see q-expansion)

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University

As of 2011 Remy Denis, president of the All India Catholic Union, was a professor in the Department of Mathematics.

Deerfield Beach High School

Allen West, Republican U.S. Representative for Florida's 22nd congressional district since 2011 and lieutenant colonel in the United States Army, taught U.S. history at Deerfield Beach High in the 2004–2005 school year.

Edgeworth series

The Gram–Charlier A series (named in honor of Jørgen Pedersen Gram and Carl Charlier), and the Edgeworth series (named in honor of Francis Ysidro Edgeworth) are series that approximate a probability distribution in terms of its cumulants.

Edinburgh Institution

Stewart's Melville College, formerly Edinburgh Institution for Languages and Mathematics

Edoardo Amaldi

Amaldi was born in Carpaneto Piacentino, son of Ugo Amaldi, professor of mathematics at the University of Padua, and Luisa Basini.

Eduard Hagenbach-Bischoff

The son of the theologian Karl Rudolf Hagenbach studied physics and mathematics in Basel (with Rudolf Merian), Berlin (with Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and Heinrich Gustav Magnus), Geneva, Paris (with Jules Célestin Jamin) and obtained his Ph.D. in 1855 in Basel.

Enrique Zuazua

He has managed the National Plan Mathematics Programme (2001–2004) and directed and participated in various international panels belonging of the French CNRS, ANR, IUF, AERES and INRIA and the German DFG amongst other agencies.

Gaussian isoperimetric inequality

In mathematics, the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality, proved by Boris Tsirelson and Vladimir Sudakov and independently by Christer Borell, states that among all sets of given Gaussian measure in the n-dimensional Euclidean space, half-spaces have the minimal Gaussian boundary measure.

General Amherst High School

GAHS has been recognized for a number of causes, including (but not limited to): the Canadian record of per capita student contributions in donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, championships in football, hockey, basketball, track & field, wrestling, tennis, cross country and volleyball; the recipient of several Essex County "Student Prime Minister of the Year" awards (2004, 2005, & 2009) and high rankings in the University of Waterloo Fermat Mathematics competition.

Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri

Martin Gardner, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Chapter 14 of The Colossal Book of Mathematics, W. W.Norton & Company, 2001, ISBN 0-393-02023-1

Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan

Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan was a professor of mathematics, geography, and calligraphy at the Robert College of Istanbul, known for designing the signature of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first president of Turkey.

Hing Tong

He later became a professor of mathematics at Fordham University, where he also served as chairman of the department.

Hoàng Xuân Hãn

Hoàng Xuân Hãn (Đức Thọ, 1908 – Paris, 10 March 1996) was a Vietnamese professor of mathematics, linguist, historian and educationalist.

Inge Lehmann

After having finished school, she studied, with some interruptions due to poor health, mathematics at the University of Copenhagen and University of Cambridge.

Inverse Symbolic Calculator

The Inverse Symbolic Calculator is an online number checker established July 18, 1995 by Peter Benjamin Borwein, Jonathan Michael Borwein and Simon Plouffe of the Canadian Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics (Burnaby, Canada).

Ivan Fellegi

Born in Szeged, Hungary, Ivan Fellegi was in his third year of studying mathematics at the Eötvös Loránd University, when the Hungarian uprising was crushed in 1956.

Jaroslav Vanek

He received his diploma in statistics, mathematics and economics at the Sorbonne (1952), and a postgraduate degree in economics at the University of Geneva (1954).

Kairat Kelimbetov

He is a graduate of Georgetown University's, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (Pew Economic Freedom Fellows Program,1999), the Kazakh State Academy of Economics (management, 1996), and Lomonosov Moscow State University (Mathematics, 1993).

Kathrin Bringmann

She passed the State Examinations in Mathematics and Theology at the University of Würzburg, Germany, in 2002, and obtained a Diploma in Mathematics at Würzburg in 2003.

Lakshmi Pratury

She studied at Nizam College in Hyderabad where she received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.

Lénárt sphere

Following Glen Van Brummelen (Reference 1 below, p. 129, stereographic projection), spherical trigonometry, though certainly no longer relevant to the older scientific needs of navigation, astronomy, geography, etc., other than as historical mathematics, has nevertheless seen a "rebirth" today due to simulation, game programming, Autodesk Maya, kinematics, physics engines, and many other new fields as diverse as optics, photography, art and medicine.

Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education

In addition to South African undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate future science and mathematics teachers, would-be teachers and teacher educators come from Southern African Development Community (SADC) member nations such as Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi', Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, and other African countries.

Margaret Bird

Ms. Bird received her Bachelor's Degree in Theoretical Mathematics from Vanderbilt University and her Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Utah.

Michael Adelbulner

In 1742 he was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Altdorf.

Michael Lund

Lund was born in March 1965 in Horbury, Yorkshire, and is a graduate of mathematics and applied physics at the then Manchester Polytechnic and holds a masters in pure mathematics from the University of Liverpool.

Newton's method

In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.


Enrique Zuazua is a multi-awarded researcher and a Director of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics.

Oleg Kuvaev

He studied first at a school specializing in the English language, then at school majoring in physics and mathematics.

Pappus's hexagon theorem

In mathematics, Pappus's hexagon theorem (attributed to Pappus of Alexandria) states that given one set of collinear points A, B, C, and another set of collinear points a, b, c, then the intersection points X, Y, Z of line pairs Ab and aB, Ac and aC, Bc and bC are collinear, lying on the Pappus line.

Paul Halmos

In 2005, Halmos and his wife Virginia funded the Euler Book Prize, an annual award given by the Mathematical Association of America for a book that is likely to improve the view of mathematics among the public.

Peter Chen

Born in Taichung, Taiwan, Peter Chen received a B.S. in electrical engineering in 1968 at the National Taiwan University, and a Ph.D. in computer science/applied mathematics at the Harvard University in 1973.

Reuben Smeed

He obtained a degree in mathematics and PhD in aeronautical engineering from Queen Mary's College before entering academia as a teacher of mathematics.

S. A. Choudum

Sheshayya A. Choudum (born 1947) is a professor and a former chair of the department of mathematics at IIT Madras specializing in graph theory.

Self-adjoint operator

If V is finite dimensional with a given basis, this is equivalent to the condition that the matrix of A is Hermitian, i.e., equal to its conjugate transpose A*.

SMK Taman Selesa Jaya 2

In 2009, the passing rate of the students in PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) was 74.87%, 80.90%, 79.00% and 93.40% for Malay Language, English Language, Mathematics and Science, respectively.

Step test

Sixth Term Examination Paper, an examination set by the University of Cambridge to assess potential undergraduate mathematics applicants.

Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts

Among those who gave classes were suffragist Louisa Lawson, explorer Ludwig Leichhardt and poet Henry Kendall, and subjects included art, mathematics, architecture, anatomy and simple surgery.


He is only known from Proclus’ commentary to Euclid, where Theudius is said to have had “a reputation for excellence in mathematics as in the rest of philosophy, for he produced admirable "Elements" and made many partial theorems more general”.

Vilna Gaon

He also wrote on mathematics, being well versed in the works of Euclid and encouraging his pupil Rabbi Baruch of Shklov to translate the great mathematician's works into Hebrew.

World Chess Championship 1907

Emanuel Lasker had virtually retired after retaining the Chess World Championship in 1897, in part due to his doctoral studies in mathematics, but defended his title against Frank J. Marshall from January 26 to April 6, 1907, in the USA, games being played in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and Memphis.

see also