Pappus's hexagon theorem, often just called 'Pappus's theorem', a theorem named for Pappus of Alexandria
In mathematics, Pappus's hexagon theorem (attributed to Pappus of Alexandria) states that given one set of collinear points A, B, C, and another set of collinear points a, b, c, then the intersection points X, Y, Z of line pairs Ab and aB, Ac and aC, Bc and bC are collinear, lying on the Pappus line.
In its earliest known form, Pappus's Theorem is Propositions 138, 139, 141, and 143 of Book VII of Pappus's Collection.
Pappus of Alexandria | Liouville's theorem | Chinese remainder theorem | Shannon–Hartley theorem | Quillen–Suslin theorem | Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem | Hahn–Banach theorem | Fermat's Last Theorem | Buckingham π theorem | Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem | Szemerédi's theorem | Schottky's theorem | Riemann-Roch theorem | Pythagorean theorem | Pappus | Nash embedding theorem | Müntz–Szász theorem | Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem | Kleene fixed-point theorem | Kakutani fixed-point theorem | Gauss–Bonnet theorem | Doob's martingale convergence theorem | Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions | Denjoy theorem | Birch's theorem | Wilkie's theorem | Wick's theorem | Whitney extension theorem | Weierstrass theorem | Wedderburn's little theorem |
Practically nothing of his life is known except that the mathematician Pappus of Alexandria refers to him as Aristaeus the Elder which presumably means that Pappus was aware of another later mathematician also named Aristaeus.
(This theorem is also known as the Pappus–Guldinus theorem and Pappus's centroid theorem, attributed to Pappus of Alexandria.)
Pappus, in his Collections, treats its history, and gives two methods by which it can be generated.