In 1943 he took over the Four Aces syndicated bridge column and in 1957 merged it with the column of Richard Frey.
The Four Horsemen, as the team was known, was the most successful around the tournament scene for the next couple of years, but then Schenken and Burnstine broke away to form the "Four Aces" with Oswald Jacoby and Michael Gottlieb.
William Howard Taft | John Howard | Howard Hughes | Howard Stern | Howard University | Ron Howard | Howard Dean | Howard Hawks | Howard Zinn | The Howard Stern Show | Robert E. Howard | Howard Shore | Howard Carter | Howard | Howard Baker | Howard County, Maryland | Trevor Howard | Michael Howard | Clint Howard | Leslie Howard | Clark Howard | Russell Howard | Howard Barker | Ebenezer Howard | Oliver O. Howard | Leslie Howard (actor) | Howard Nemerov | Howard Gardner | Howard Chaykin | Howard Pyle |