
3 unusual facts about Huachuca Mountains

Brown-backed Solitaire

One singing bird was found in Miller Canyon, in the Huachuca Mountains of Southeastern Arizona, and documented by the youth birding Victor Emanuel Nature Tours' Camp Chiricahua in July 2009.

Charadra tapa

It is found in the Chiricahua, Huachuca, and Santa Rita Mountains of south-eastern Arizona, although the species probably occurs in adjacent parts of Mexico.

Huachuca Mountains

Along the trails there are opportunities to see a number of rare butterflies of Arizona (see List of butterflies and moths of Arizona), as well as plants that are more commonly found in the Sierra Madre Occidental.

see also

Bryolymnia ensina

It occurs in coniferous forests from south-eastern Arizona (Huachuca Mountains) and south-western New Mexico (Pinos Altos Mountains) southward in the Sierra Madre Occidental to the State of Durango in Mexico.