
unusual facts about Hugo Fischer-Köppe

Hugo Fischer-Köppe

Köppe entered film in 1917 and appeared in some 80 different films between 1913 and his premature death in 1937 in films such as Achtung! Auto-Diebe! in 1930 in which he worked with actor and director Harry Piel and Charly Berger.

Arthur Greiser

Koppe and SS-Sturmbannführer Herbert Lange proceeded to manage the problem by experimenting at a country estate at Chełmno nad Nerem with gas vans, establishing the first extermination unit which ultimately carried out the mass murder of approximately 150,000 Jews between late 1941 and April 1942.

Battle of Soor

Prince Charles then discovered that Frederick had failed to occupy the Graner-Koppe, the hill north of Burkersdorf (Střítež, Trutnov District, modern day Czech Republic) that dominated the landscape to the east and south.

Hebrew Gospel hypothesis

J. J. Griesbach (Commentatio, 1794) treated this as the first of three source theories as solutions to the synoptic problem, following (1) the traditional Augustinian utilization hypothesis, as (2) the original gospel hypothesis or proto-gospel hypothesis, (3) the fragment hypothesis (Koppe 1793); and (4) the oral gospel hypothesis or tradition hypothesis (Herder 1797).

see also