He worked as a researcher at ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research institute international, 国際電気通信基礎技術研究所), Japan from 1994–2000, a researcher at Starlab, Brussels from 2000–2001, and associate professor of computer science at Utah State University from 2001–2006.
A few months later de Garis was employed as an associate professor at the computer science department of Utah State University.
Victor Hugo | Hugo Boss | Hugo | Hugo Chávez | Hugo Award | Hugo Black | Hugo Weaving | Hugo Pratt | Hugo Grotius | Hugo Claus | Hugo Ball | Hugo von Hofmannsthal | Hurricane Hugo | Hugo Santiago | Hugo Chavez | Hugo Award for Best Fanzine | Jean Hugo | Hugo Gernsback | Hugo Falcandus | Hugo de Vries | Richard Hugo House | Marion Delorme (Hugo) | Hugo Theorell | Hugo Steinhaus | Hugo Sánchez | Hugo Rune | Hugo Rafael Soto | Hugo Münsterberg | Hugo Markl | Hugo Lederer |