
2 unusual facts about Hurdy-Gurdy Hare

Hurdy-Gurdy Hare

Bugs is able to outwit the gorilla by asking the gorilla if he can inflate himself with his finger, causing the gorilla to literally inflate.

Bugs counts all the money coming, noting to the audience: "I sure hope Petrillo doesn't hear about this" (a then-topical gag referencing the president of the American Federation of Musicians, which was on strike in 1948 when the short was copyrighted).

Ben Grossman

Grossman has presented hurdy gurdy workshops and lessons with Valentin Clastrier, Matthias Loibner, Maxou Heintzan and Simon Wascher.

The Hurdy Gurdy Man

The rest of The Hurdy Gurdy Man was recorded in April 1968, after he visited Rishikesh, India to study under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; John Lennon, Cynthia Lennon, George Harrison, Pattie Boyd, Paul McCartney, Jane Asher, Mia Farrow, Prudence Farrow, and Mike Love were there as well.

Valentin Clastrier

French musician Valentin Clastrier (born 1947) is one of the few performers in the world specializing in contemporary music for the hurdy-gurdy; before Clastrier, the instrument was used primarily in the performance of European Medieval and folk musics.

Wolfgang Weichselbaumer

Many of the current hurdy gurdy players use his instruments, including Valentin Clastrier, Gilles Chabenat, Germán Diaz, Tobie Miller, Matthias Loibner, Ben Grossman, Marc Egea and Hållbus Totte Mattson.

see also