
unusual facts about Heidegger

Antonio Millán-Puelles

In all these works he studies and comments Brentano, Aristotle, Aquinas, Husserl, Kant, Hartmann, Meinong, Sartre, Heidegger, and many other ancient, medieval, and modern philosophers.

Being and Time

Theodore Kisiel, The Genesis of Heidegger's Being and Time (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993).

Christopher Fynsk, Heidegger: Thought and Historicity (Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1993, expanded edn.), ch.

Columbia University Department of Philosophy

Taylor Carman, specializing in 19th- and 20th-century European philosophy, especially Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty.

Contemporary ethics

Heidegger's work has become increasingly translated and interpreted in the Anglo-American sphere and the wisdom of always following reason is widely questioned.

Der Ister

Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" (German: Hölderlins Hymne »Der Ister«) is the title given to a 1942 lecture course by German philosopher Martin Heidegger

Heidegger Gesamtausgabe

Theodore Kisiel, "Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe: An International Scandal of Scholarship", Philosophy Today 39 (1995), pp. 3–15.

Johann Heinrich Heidegger

Johann Heinrich Heidegger (July 1, 1633 – July 18, 1698), Swiss theologian, was born at Bäretswil, in the Canton of Zürich.

John James Heidegger

The son of Zürich clergyman Johann Heinrich Heidegger, Johann Jacob Heidegger came to England in 1708 as a Swiss negotiator.

The fashionable world of London was enthusiastic about it and called Heidegger 'the Swiss Count'.

LGBT history in Switzerland

Thus, during the term of office of Hans Conrad Heidegger as the provincial governor of Kyburg between 1694 and 1698, 22 young people were executed for sodomy.

Martin Heidegger and Nazism

For commentators such as Habermas who credit Löwith's account, there are a number of generally shared implications: one is that Heidegger did not turn away from National Socialism per se but became deeply disaffected with the official philosophy and ideology of the party, as embodied by Alfred Bäumler or Alfred Rosenberg, whose biologistic racist doctrines he never accepted.

During the hearings of the Denazification Committee, Hannah Arendt, Heidegger's former student and lover, who was Jewish, spoke on his behalf.

Another citation levied against Heidegger by his critics, is his answer to a question by his former student Herbert Marcuse, concerning his silence about the Nazi racial policies.

Medard Boss

Through his study with Heidegger, Boss came to believe that that modern medicine and psychology, premised on Cartesian philosophy and Newtonian physics, made incorrect assumptions about human beings and what it means to be human.

Michael Allen Gillespie

He has published on medieval theology, Petrarch, humanism, Erasmus, Luther, Erasmus, Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, American political thought, the relation between religion and politics, and the role of sports in human life.


The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger over the interpretation of Kant led the latter to formulate reasons for viewing Kant as a forerunner of phenomenology; this view was disputed in important respects by Eugen Fink.

Nicola Abbagnano

In existentialism, having freed himself from the negative implications he found in Heidegger, in Jaspers, in Sartre, in Dewey's pragmatism and in neopositivism, Abagnano saw the signs of a new philosophical trend, that he called a "New Enlightenment" in an article written in 1948.

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe

These works predate the explosion of interest in the political dimensions of Heidegger's thought which followed the publication of a book by Victor Farías.

Roger Kimball

Examining the work of Eliot, Auden, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault and more, Kimball critiques the ways in which these writers deal with what he views as the intellectual and moral deterioration of modernity.

Sous rature

And subsequently in a letter he penned to Ernst Jünger in 1956 titled "Zur Seinsfrage" (The Question of Being), in which Heidegger seeks to define nihilism.

Systemic Constellations

The Systemic Constellation process is a trans-generational, phenomenological, therapeutic intervention with roots in family systems therapy (Psychodrama of Jacob Moreno, Virginia Satir, Iván Böszörményi-Nagy), existential-phenomenology (Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger), and the ancestor reverence of the South African Zulus.

see also