
unusual facts about I.G. and Others vs. Slovakia

I.G. and Others vs. Slovakia

Only M.K. received compensations from the District Court in Spišská Nová Ves in amount of EUR 1,593.

Bird Island, Slovakia, Šamorín

The most important breeding birds are Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus), which is the only breeding site in Slovakia, and Common Redshank (Tringa totanus), for which it is the only breeding site in West Slovakia.

Blatnica, Slovakia

Both Textorisová's house and a museum dedicated to the ethnographer, filmmaker, and photographer Karol Plicka are open to the public.

Boldog, Slovakia

In 1978, during restoration work in the church, a remarkable gravestone for a Roman Centurion of Legio XV Apollinaris, who is also described as a 'Negotiator' or trader, was found in the wall of the sacristy.

The XV legion was stationed at Carnuntum, a Roman Limes, or frontier fort on the Danube and the gravestone is likely to date from between 90-138AD.

Dávid family

The ancestors of the Dávid family were an older noble family of Záturecký from Záturčie (now part of Martin, Slovakia).

Fraňo Štefunko

Štefunko begins with his freelance work two years after coming to Martin and soon becomes one of the founders of Slovak sculpture.

Frigyes Schulek

His other restorations include the town hall of Lőcse (now Levoča, Slovakia) and churches at Ákos (now Acâș in Romania), Karcsa and Pozsony (now Bratislava, Slovakia).


In the northern part, the town of Nitrianske Pravno was founded about 1337, followed by Malinová (Zeche) in 1339, Kľačno (Gaidel), Tužina (Schmiedshau) about 1350, Vrícko (Münnichwies) in 1488, and Chvojnica (Fundstollen) in 1614 .


Ilija, Slovakia, a village and municipality in the Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region

Ilija, Slovakia

The insurrection of the community against the landlords the Kohariovcov was engendered in the period of Hungarian Urban reforms realized by the reigning Maria Theresa of Austria (1740–1780).

Those changes were taking place practically till the end of the feudal period under Hungarian conditions and finished with the Revolution 1848/1849; they marked for more than two centuries the development of Ilija and its fortune was united with that of the family Koháriovcov till the second half of the 1820s when its successors, the Koburgovcov, died out.

About 1511, the castle with the villages, including Ilija, formed a part of the Archbishop Tomáš Bákociho’s estate.

The traditional crafts performed in Ilija were miller’s trade, smithery and butcher’s trade.

Karel Plicka

Since 1988 there has been a museum dedicated to his work in the Slovak village of Blatnica.

Limbach, Slovakia

The village remained predominantly German until 1945, when most of them were expelled from Slovakia to Germany and were replaced by settlers from the regions around Myjava, Stará Turá, and Bošáca.

Martin, Slovakia

The Slovak National Museum placed its ethnographic collection in Martin.

The Slovak National Cemetery is the official Slovak hall of fame, inspired by the Panthéon in Paris.

Považská Bystrica

Chapel of Saint Helena was built in 1728 by count Peter Szaparay on the hill above the town, is surrounded by lindens of which one is more than 250 years old.


Silvaner is traditionally grown in the Limbach village in Slovakia, that is famous for its varietal Silvaner wines, and in its surroundings.

Tatra National Park, Slovakia

Mammals in the park include the endemic Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica), a unique goat—antelope that is an IUCN critically endangered species.

The park is important for protecting a diverse variety of flora and fauna, with many endemic species, including the Tatra chamois.


The three nails, as a symbol for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, are also used on the coats of arms of Drahovce, Slovakia, Saint Saviour, Jersey, St. Clement Parish, Ottawa and in the seal of the Society of Jesus.


Lower Turiec - its center was Martin and the subregion corresponds to the present-day District of Martin

Turóc County

The capitals of the Turóc county were the Sklabiňa Castle and Martin (name until 1950: Turčiansky Svätý Martin); from 1772 only Martin was the capital.

Lower Turóc – its center was Martin and the subregion corresponds to the present-day District of Martin


Vrbovce, Slovakia, a village and municipality in Myjava District, Trenčín Region, north-western Slovakia

see also