
6 unusual facts about Iain Macleod

Constitution of Malta

The Secretary, Iain Macleod, also notified the House of the appointment of a Constitutional Commission, under the chairmanship of Sir Hilary Blood, to devise thorough constitutional schemes after consultation with representatives of the Maltese people and local interests.

Henry Masauko Blasius Chipembere

There was some resistance; Iain Macleod, the Colonial Secretary and many Europeans regarded these three as violent extremists, and the month of August had seen further violent incidents.

Iain Macleod

He married Evelyn Hester Mason (née Blois) on 25 January 1941.

He won the Gold Cup in 1937, with teammates Maurice Harrison-Gray (Capt), S. J. Simon, Jack Marx (bridge) and Colin Harding, and authored a book, Bridge is an Easy Game which contains a description of the Acol bidding system.

Ian McLeod

Iain Macleod (1913–1970), British Conservative Party politician and government minister

The Strange Death of Tory England

The book begins with the Conservative leadership contest of 1963, following the resignation of Harold Macmillan, which turned into a fight between Iain Macleod, the modernizing chairman of the party, and the Earl of Home, the aristocratic dark horse.

see also