Rather than actual coats of arms, municipalities carry logos which usually look vaguely like a coat of arms, but the rules of heraldry are not always observed and the results vary, ranging from such characteristically heraldic arms as those of Akureyri to such unheraldic logos as that of Djupivogur.
Icelandic | Icelandic language | heraldry | The Heraldry Society | Azure (heraldry) | tincture (heraldry) | chief (heraldry) | azure (heraldry) | Royal Heraldry Society of Canada | Lion (heraldry) | Icelandic Literary Prize | Icelandic króna | 2008–11 Icelandic financial crisis | Vert (heraldry) | Scottish heraldry | Icelandic sheep | Icelandic parliamentary election, 2013 | Icelandic horse | Icelandic Coast Guard | Heraldry | German heraldry | Eagle (heraldry) | Difference (heraldry) | Crest (heraldry) | Chief (heraldry) | charge (heraldry) | Tincture (heraldry) | The Icelandic New Business Venture Fund | The Art of Heraldry: An Encyclopædia of Armory | Sable (heraldry) |