
unusual facts about Illegal

Regional fisheries management organisation

This wide diversity of mandates and areas of application, and also effective implementation of regulations, opens up opportunities for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing vessels.

¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!

One year later, eight group members made an illegal, but non-violent entry into the British Embassy in Quito, demanding the release of a group leader who was then imprisoned by the Ecuadorian government.

1944 in organized crime

Benjamin Zuckerman "Zookie the Bookie", Chicago syndicate mobster involved in illegal gambling

2007–08 Berlitz Japan strike

Professor Gerald McAlinn of Keio Law School also said it was very unusual for a company to choose to sue workers on the grounds that the strike was illegal.

39th District corruption scandal

The investigation of the illegal search was ultimately turned over to the F.B.I. by the PPD Internal Affairs Bureau at the direction of Police Commissioner Willie Williams, in the wake of the Rodney King beating at the hands of the LAPD.


This is the first of Acoustic Alchemy's albums to include EMI's Copy Control technique, designed to prevent illegal reproduction and audio ripping of the disc.

Azad Maidan riots

The indigenous Bodo community of Assam alleged that the Muslim population is increasing in Assam due to the large influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, while the local Muslim community brushed it aside saying that they migrated to Assam during the British Raj.


Fazio was forced to resign and BPI Managing Director, Gianpiero Fiorani, was arrested on a number of charges in connection with the attempted takeover, having been accused of using illegal procedures.


Since the villains in the film happened to be Croatian Communists, many saw the airing of the film as an attempt to turn voters away from the ex-Communist Social Democratic Party of Croatia, which had a commanding lead at opinion polls, and illegal propaganda in favor of the ruling party, the Croatian Democratic Union.


On April 15, 2011 a group of women using rocks and fireworks attacked a busload of illegal loggers armed with machine guns associated with the Mexican drug cartel La Familia Michoacana.

Chris Samuels

Samuels was fined $12,500 for delivering an illegal chop block that injured Antonio Garay of the Chicago Bears during a game in 2007.

Doom VI – Illegal Soul

Doom VI – Illegal Soul is the fifth studio album by the Japanese band Doom.

Dreamscape Online

He subsequently lost re-election to Eliot Spitzer, and the US government improved its methods of identifying the sources of illegal pornography - no further seizures of ISPs' equipment followed.

Frank Pulli

Along with fellow umpire, Rich Garcia, Pulli was placed on probation by baseball commissioner Fay Vincent, in 1989 when he learned that they had placed bets on non-baseball sporting events with an illegal bookmaker.

Fredrik Heffermehl

Among the laureates perceived by Heffermehl as illegal are the more controversial laureates, such as Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho (1973) and Arafat, Peres and Rabin (1994), but also less controversial ones such as Mother Teresa (1979) and Elie Wiesel (1986).

George Went Hensley

(This occurred during the Prohibition Era, when alcohol production and consumption were illegal in the U.S.)

Gun politics in Brazil

The belief of a fundamental natural human right to self-defense, low efficacy of police, high levels of use of illegal weapons in crimes in contrast to a very rare usage of legal weapons, and advocacy by Non Governmental Organizations (N.G.O.) such as the NRA are some of the factors that may have influenced 65% of Brazilian people to decide against the ban.

Happy hour

When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, people would host "cocktail hours", also known as "happy hours", at a speakeasy (an illegal drinking establishment) before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served.

Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary

In 1966 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) put them in a protected status worldwide, outlawing whaling, but large illegal kills continued into the 1970s.

Herman Oliphant

While at the Treasury Department, he was lobbied by William Randolph Hearst to make cannabis illegal.

HMQS Gayundah

At Scott Reef, on 25 May, Gayundah boarded and detained two Dutch schooners with illegal catches of trepang (sea cucumber) and trochus shell, and escorted them into Broome on 29 May.

Hockey Canada Officiating Program

; Unsportsmanlike conduct : Arguing with a referee; using slurs against an opponent or teammate; playing with illegal equipment; making obscene gestures or abusing an official.

Information policy

More precisely, — the digization of the cultural content made the cost of the copy decreasing to nearly zero and increased the illegal exchange of files, online, via sharing web site or P2P technologies, or off line (copy of hard disks).

Israel and legitimacy

M.J. Rosenberg, writing in the Los Angeles Times, argued that the term "delegitimization" is a "distraction", whose purpose is to divert attention away from world opposition to the "illegitimate" occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip, from the "illegal" settlements, and from "the ever-louder calls for Israel to grant Palestinians equal rights".


The raid wasn't due however to the fact that JLF was selling analogues of then illegal drugs, but rather it was a part of a larger Food and Drug Administration (FDA) crackdown against a large group of herbal medicine providers.

John Hanbury Angus Sparrow

He famously wrote an article for Encounter on Lady Chatterley's Lover (after the obscenity trial) arguing that the acquittal was wrong, as the novel promoted the illegal practice of sodomy.

Josh Hayes

In 2008, Hayes won the Daytona 200 but was disqualified soon after for an illegal crankshaft.

Joy Gardner

Joy Gardner was a 40-year-old African-Caribbean community mother and illegal immigrant from Jamaica who was killed during a struggle with the police at her home in Crouch End, London on 28 July 1993.

June 2001

The Harehills riots takes place in Harehills, Leeds, UK, after a questionable arrest of an Asian man for possession of an illegal car tax disc.


During the events of Final Crisis, Lashina, once again in her bald-headed human form, is seen as one of the villains running the Dark Side Club, an illegal arena where spectators gamble on battles between brainwashed teen metahumans.

Legal status of Internet pornography

Child pornography is illegal in most countries with coordinated enforcement by Interpol and policing institutions of various governments, including among others the United States Department of Justice.

Legislative Yuan

Opposition parties were formally illegal until 1991, but in the 1970s candidates to the Legislative Yuan would run as Tangwai ("outside the party"), and in 1985 candidates began to run under the banner of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Lilly Téllez

Téllez "proof" was too weak, and the timing suspicious – just before Francisco Gil announced, as part of his work in Fox's government, sanctions to TV Azteca's owner Ricardo Salinas Pliego for illegal profit from privileged information both in the United States stock market (where he is prosecuted under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) and in the Mexican one in operations related to his cell-phone company Unefon.

Mother Mary Alphonsa

She later decided to rededicate her life to restoring her family's reputation after her brother Julian Hawthorne's illegal activities.

Nina Rosenwald

Her family fund has given financial support to two settlements in the disputed Palestinian territory of the West Bank: the Beit El yeshiva, which counsels its students to defy government orders to evacuate illegal outposts, and Ariel University.

Pakistan Forex Scam Case

In November 2008, the government sought support from Interpol with whose help the FIA cracked down all over Pakistan searching for persons involved in illegal smuggling of US dollars outside Pakistan.

Pehr Evind Svinhufvud

Svinhufvud refused to obey the orders of the Russian procurator Konstantin Kazansky, which he considered illegal, and this led to his removal from office as a judge and being exiled to Tomsk in Siberia in November 1914.

Red Lake Indian Reservation

Many state residents turned against the plan, and it was ruled to be illegal by the state Attorney General Mike Hatch.

Robert Berning

Under California law at the time, there were fair trade provisions for alcoholic beverages which made it illegal to sell wines at a cheaper price than branded competitors, such as Gallo's.

Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah

On 1 June 2012, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that the federal government has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate problems related to illegal immigration in Sabah.

Russia for Russians

For example, the Rodina party and its leader Dmitry Rogozin made illegal immigration and a “Moscow for Muscovites!” platform a centerpiece of their election campaign.

Sarah Deutsch

Deutsch gained media attention for representing Verizon in the copyright case RIAA v. Verizon, in which the Recording Industry Association of America obtained a subpoena demanding Verizon to disclose the identity of several subscribers who were allegedly engaged in illegal P2P file-sharing.

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium

Justice Harry Blackmun, writing for the court, held that the prohibition on staging the musical was an illegal prior restraint.

St John the Baptist's Church, Brighton

Many refugees from the French Revolution settled in Brighton after escaping from France; and Maria Fitzherbert, a twice-widowed Catholic, began a relationship with the Prince Regent (and secretly married him in 1785 in a ceremony which was illegal according to the Act of Settlement 1701 and the Royal Marriages Act 1772).


International environmental organizations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and Rainforest Action Network have focused on Swietenia so as to expose illegal traffic in the wood, notably from Brazil.

Tennessee login law

On June 1, 2011 Tennessee lawmakers passed a new bill that makes sharing login information for sites that provide music and movies, such as Netflix and Napster, illegal.

The Baytown Outlaws

The cast also includes: Thomas Sangster as Rob, a young disabled man and the target of the Oodie's rescue job; Zoë Bell as Rose, Serinda Swan as Jez, Meagan Good as Belle, Brea Grant as Pammy, and Agnes Bruckner as Mona, a group of female biker assassins; Michael Rapaport as Lucky, a bar owner; James DuMont as Special Agent Simmons; and Natalie Martinez as Ariana, an illegal immigrant and nurse.

The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord

U.S. Attorney Asa Hutchinson charged Ellison and most of his leadership with illegal weapon possession, Ellison faced the maximum 20 years prison sentence having been convicted on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act charges.

Thomas Petrolati

An investigation by the State Attorney General's office found that Petrolati was the main person Richard Vitale, House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi's accountant, relied on during his illegal campaign to lobby for legislation benefiting ticket brokers.

West Branch Susquehanna River

The illegal settlers there were part of the "Fair Play Men" system of self-government, with their own Declaration of Independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.

Wildlife Alliance

CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° series, Planet in Peril, features Wildlife Alliance programs in Thailand and Cambodia, including Care for Rescued Wildlife, Bokor National Park, and efforts to stop the illegal wildlife trade in Asia.

see also