Amar De Nuevo is a 1999 album by Chilean Group Inti-Illimani,
Born in Vienna, he is perhaps best known as the explorer who traveled extensively in Peru, climbed the Illimani and came close to re-discovering Machu Picchu.
South of Illimani and north of the Kimsa Cruz mountain range it turns to the east meanwhile named La Paz River.
Illimani was first attempted in 1877 by the French explorator Charles Wiener, J. de Grumkow, and J. C. Ocampo.
The 21,122 feet high Illimani is located in the Irupana Municipality, in Lambate Canton, on the border to the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province.
Blue symbolizes the perennial cobalt skies over the City of La Paz and the loyalty of its fans; red symbolizes the passion and love of football; and white symbolizes the snow cap of Mt. Illimani (the symbol of the City of La Paz) and the purity of Our Lady of Peace, patroness of the team.
Prominent in his repertoire for vocalists are the cantata Santa María de Iquique (a milestone of the New Chilean Song movement), the Canto para una Semilla (Song for a Seed) based on poems by Violeta Parra (recorded by Inti-illimani, Isabel Parra and Carmen Bunster), and a symphony, Los Tres Tiempos de América, which was premiered and recorded in 1988 by Quilapayún with the Spanish singer Paloma San Basilio and an orchestra of Spanish musicians.