
4 unusual facts about Charles Wiener

Charles Wiener

Born in Vienna, he is perhaps best known as the explorer who traveled extensively in Peru, climbed the Illimani and came close to re-discovering Machu Picchu.


Illimani was first attempted in 1877 by the French explorator Charles Wiener, J. de Grumkow, and J. C. Ocampo.


Charles Wiener in 1880 published the first topographical description of Marcahuamachuco and named its principal compounds.


Last century, Charles Wiener discovered the mausoleums of Utcubamba; the mausoleums of Revash in Santo Tomás were studied later by the archaeologists Henry and Paule Reichlen primarily because the roof of one of the mausoleums had collapsed, covering and protecting the cultural remains.

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