
unusual facts about Immortals

Aka Manah

Also reflecting the hierarchy that mirrors the Amesha Spentas and in which each of the "bounteous immortals" has collaborators (hamkars), Akoman has a special relationship with Anashtih "non-peace".

American Society of Dental Surgeons

Among these, following in the footsteps of Pierre Fauchard the "father of modem dentistry", were some of the profession’s immortals, including Chapin A. Harris, Horace Hayden, Solyman Brown, and Eleazar Parmly.

Drunken Monkey

In the story, the Monkey King stole all the peaches of the "spiritual peach tree" of the Heavenly King Mother and drank all the wine reserved for fairies and immortals who were invited to the birthday party of the Heavenly King.

Eight Immortals

Derived from this, the Chinese proverb "The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each reveals its divine power" (八仙過海,各顯神通 ~, gè xiǎn shén tōng) indicates the situation that everybody shows off their skills and expertise to achieve a common goal.

It is about the Immortals on their way to attend the Conference of the Magical Peach (蟠桃會 pán taó huì) when they encounter an ocean.

Eight Immortals Mountain

The pronunciation of eight thousand (baqian) and eight immortals are similar in Chinese, hence the name.

Gage Munroe

He has appeared and/or done voice work on television shows like Stoked, Murdoch Mysteries, Mr Moon, Falling Skies and Alphas, and has appeared in films like the 2008 Canadian drama One Week (directed by Michael McGowan) and the 2011 epic Immortals (alongside Henry Cavill and Mickey Rourke).

Harry Makepeace

"I count Makepeace amongst the immortals of Lancashire and Yorkshire cricket," wrote Neville Cardus.

Hou Chun-Ming

The title of Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals was inspired by the name of Gan Bao's book In Search of the Supernatural.


Immortel (ad vitam), a 2004 English-language, French-produced science fiction film, based upon the graphic novel La Foire aux immortels (The Carnival of Immortals).

In the Realm of Fancy

With Ao Gum united with Chur Wun, Lei Xuan proceeds to abandon the material realm for that of the immortals, during his ascent and farewell to Ao Gum it is revealed that the beggar is Lei Xuan and that Lei Xuan is Tieguai Li, Iron-Crutch Li of the Eight Immortals.

Louis Linck

These are still on permanent display in their "Hall of Immortals", and include statues of Marie Curie, Andreas Vesalius, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Ambroise Paré, Joseph Lister, and Hippocrates.

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals is a point and click adventure game developed by White Birds Productions and based on the graphics novels of Enki Bilal's The Nikopol Trilogy.


The four immortals are also mysteriously drawn to a woman, Pran (Khemupsorn Sirisukha).

Qidong, Jiangsu

It also has a well-known fish port called Lüsi town, named after Lü Dongbin, one of the eight immortals, who is said to have visited the place four times.

Rome: Total War: Alexander

Persia: The Persian army of Darius III is made up of a variety of troops, from poorly equipped masses of infantry and archers, to quality cavalry and elite units like the Immortals, as well as mercenaries from Greece and Phrygia.

Tina Sani

She renders poetry of contemporary poets with complete ease and is equally at home singing works of Zauq, Ghalib and Mir Taqi Mir; the immortals of Urdu poetry.

Xiaying Xianzong

Set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the story is adapted from Ge Hong's Shenxian Zhuan (神仙傳; Chronicles of Immortals) and tells the adventures of Huang Chuming before he attained immortality and became widely known as Wong Tai Sin.

see also