
unusual facts about Imperial Diet

Aulic Council

Originating during the later Middle Ages as a paid Council of the Emperor, it was organized in its later form by Maximilian I in 1497, as a rival to the Imperial Chamber Court, which the Imperial Diet had forced upon him.

Engelbert III, Margrave of Istria

Engelbert attended the 1156 Imperial Diet in Regensburg, where he witnessed the granting of the Privilegium Minus by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, elevating the March of Austria to a duchy.

John II, Duke of Opava-Ratibor

In 1397, John II and other noble councillors accused Wenceslaus IV of neglecting his duties as King of the Romans and asked him to summon an Imperial Diet.

see also

Diet of Speyer

Diet of Speyer or Diet of Spires refers to any of the sessions of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire, of which 50 took place between 838 and 1570 in the city of Speyer (Spires), now in Germany.

Erhard Weigel

He followed Jakob Ellrod to the Imperial Diet in Regensburg to advocate the use of the Mittel-Calendar or New Gregorian calendar.

Imperial Army of the Holy Roman Empire

Army of the Holy Roman Empire, deployed by the Imperial Diet, in German Reichsarmee, Reichsheer or Reichsarmatur, from 1422 to 1806

March of Friuli

In 828 the last Friulian duke, Baldric, was removed from office by Emperor Louis the Pious at the Imperial diet of Aachen, as he had not been able to defend the Pannonian frontier against the troops of Khan Omurtag of Bulgaria.