
unusual facts about Diet


These locations act as fresh food pick up locations currently in five cities across the U.S. including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.

Adam Houlihan

He instead returned to his earlier interest in horse racing, hosting a horse-racing tips show with Brett Phillips and Nick Evans on radio station SEN 1116 and training jockeys in diet and fitness.In 2007 he chose to take some great advise from mentor and now business partner Bruce Armstrong and start his own promotional merchandise business called CorpEdge Marketing.

Anastasia Misharina

Coming from Vladivostok, a city in the Russian Far East which has close ties with Japan, Misharina developed Yuzu citrus diet that became popular among Russian celebrities.


It is a staple diet and a cultural synonym of the Nasranis (also known as Saint Thomas Christians or Syrian Christians) of Kerala, India.

Battle of Göllheim

When the Diet met near Frankfurt the following year, they were discouraged to appoint Albert, thus they elected a cousin of one of the Electors, Adolf of Nassau-Weilburg.


In turn, belemnites appear to have formed part of the diet of marine reptiles such as Ichthyosaurs, whose fossilized stomachs frequently contain phosphatic hooks from the arms of cephalopods.

Buddhist mummies

The mummies of monks (Sokushinbutsu) in Japan practised nyūjō (入定), which caused their own death by adhering to a wood eating diet made up of salt, nuts, seeds, roots, pine bark, and urushi tea.


At the Diet of Roncaglia in 1158, Bulgarus assumed the leading role amongst the Four Doctors, and was one of the most trusted advisors to the emperor Frederick I.

Caldwell Esselstyn

After undergoing cardiac surgery in 2010, former American president Bill Clinton adopted the plant-based diet recommended by Dean Ornish, T. Colin Campbell, and Esselstyn.

Congress Square

Among them, there is the early Baroque Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity, the Kazina building, one of the few Neoclassical buildings remaining in Ljubljana after the earthquake of 1895, the Slovenian Philharmonic building, and the rectorate of the University of Ljubljana, formerly the seat of the Provincial Diet of the Duchy of Carniola.

Cursor grass mouse

Their primary diet consists of small arthropods, especially Hymenoptera, beetles, and spiders; this is supplemented by seeds of Cecropia and other plants.

Diet Coke and Mentos eruption

MythBusters concluded that the potassium benzoate, aspartame, and CO2 gas contained in the Diet Coke, in combination with the gelatin and gum arabic ingredients of the Mentos, all contribute to the formation of the foam.

Erhard Weigel

He followed Jakob Ellrod to the Imperial Diet in Regensburg to advocate the use of the Mittel-Calendar or New Gregorian calendar.

Essie Honiball

The high fruit, low fat and all raw diet, which Honiball promotes has been referred to in the writings of health authors including Anne Osborne, Brian R. Clement Ph.D, Dr. Douglas Graham, and Viktoras Kulvinskas.

Health writers including Robert Gray, Arnold Ehret, Morris Krok and Johnny Lovewisdom, have described how nuts and seeds are not botanically fruits, and too concentrated to form part of the optimum fruitarian diet.

Freshwater drum

The diet of the freshwater drum is generally benthic and composed of macroinvertebrates (mainly aquatic insect larvae and bivalve mussels), as well as small fish in certain ecosystems.

Georgia v. Smith

The Smiths were members of the Brentwood, Tennessee-based Remnant Fellowship Church since they joined in 2000, which grew out of church leader Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Workshop, a Christian diet program she created in 1986.

Gray's monitor

It is well known for its diet, which consists primarily of ripe fruit, especially Pandanus.

Great hammerhead

An active predator with a varied diet, known prey of the great hammerhead include invertebrates such as crabs, lobsters, squid, and octopus, bony fishes such as tarpon, sardines, sea catfishes, toadfish, porgies, grunts, jacks, croakers, groupers, flatfishes, boxfishes, and porcupine fishes, and smaller sharks such as smoothhounds.

Green Aracari

Its diet consists mostly of fruit, including the fruits of Cecropia trees and the palm Oenocarpus bacaba.

György Bónis

The Powers of Deputies in the Hungarian Feudal Diet, 1790-1848.(In: Liber memorialis Sir Maurice Powicke, Dublin, 1963. Louvain - Paris, 1965. Čtudes présentées ŕ la Commission internationale pour l' histoire des Assemblées d' états et duparlamentarisme 27. 87-307. oldal)

Harrington's mountain goat

Their diet seems to have consisted of both grasses and browsing of conifers such as spruce, Douglas fir, limber pine, and water birch.

Ian Marber

Marber’s television career was given a boost in 2005 with The Discovery Home & Health Channel running a 15-part show, ‘The A-List Diet’.

Interpreter of Maladies

In this story, the obstacles and hardships that the protagonist must overcome are much more tangible, such as learning to stomach a diet of cornflakes and bananas, or boarding in a cramped YMCA.

Joseph von Radowitz

In 1836, Radowitz went as Prussian military plenipotentiary to the federal diet at Frankfurt, and in 1842 was appointed envoy to the courts of Karlsruhe, Darmstadt and Nassau.

Jung Da-yeon

Jung Da-yeon is a South Korean diet writer and fitness guru widely known as a Korean popular culture figure under the moniker momjjang ajumma (Korean: 몸짱 아줌마).

Katayama Cabinet

Under the new constitution, the prime minister was no longer selected by the Emperor, but elected by the Diet, "before the conduct of any other business" – and the Socialists pushed for an early vote to prevent the other two major parties from excluding them from a ruling coalition: on May 23, Socialist Tetsu Katayama was elected almost unopposed (420 votes of 426 present in the House of Representatives, 205 of 207 in the House of Councillors) while the coalition negotiations were still in progress.

Little Eagle

Debus (1998) notes that their diet varies geographically; the diet in Northern Australia has a high proportion of birds, in the arid zone is mostly lizards, and in Southern Australia has a high proportion of juvenile rabbits.

Long-tailed Tit

The bird's year-round diet of insects and social foraging bias habitat choice in winter towards deciduous woodland, typically of Oak (Quercus sp.), Ash (Fraxinus sp.) and locally Sycamore species.

Ľudovít Štúr

In 1846, Štúr got to know the yeoman Ostrolúcky family in Zemianske Podhradie (Nemesváralja), who later helped him to become a deputy in the Hungarian Diet in Pressburg.

March of Friuli

The conflict was settled at the 952 diet of Augsburg, where Berengar II was allowed to retain the royal title as a German vassal, but had to cede Friuli as the March of Verona to Duke Henry I of Bavaria, brother of King Otto I. On February 2, 962 Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Rome, deposed King Berengar II and had him arrested and exiled one year later.

Nichiyō Tōron

The debate is usually held in NHK's Chiyoda Hōsō Kaikan studio in Kioichō in central Tokyo, close to Nagatachō, where the Diet building, the national Liberal Democratic and Democratic party headquarters as well as the prime minister's office (Kantei) and residence (Kōtei) are located.

Noisy Pitta

Its diet includes some fruit and it cracks open the shells of molluscs such as the giant panda snail (Hedleyella falconeri) on an anvil, a stone or other hard surface habitually used for this purpose.

Nutrition in the American Slave System

Due to diseases related to specific nutritional deficiencies in diet, which were prevalent among the American slave population it is possible that the slave victims were fed diets with adequate micro-nutrients but very few calories.

Olpidium brassicae

In 1983, the Alsike, Alberta area's clover (which is a major part of horses' diet) was struck by a fungus epidemic of Olpidium brassicae, previously not seen in Canada.

Pepsi Max

Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max all use lower-case fonts for name brands, Mountain Dew was renamed "Mtn Dew," and Diet Pepsi Max was re-branded as Pepsi Max.

Pinyon pine

The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) takes its name from the tree, and pinyon nuts form an important part of its diet.

Red-capped Parrot

Marri seeds are the preferred diet, but birds also extract seeds from Karri (Eucalyptus marginata), woody pear (Xylomelum), Grevillea, Hakea, and She-oak (Casuarina), as well as insects such as psyllids, and even orchard fruit such as apples and pears.

Sean Hartter

He raised his kids on a steady diet of Transformers and Akira Kurosawa films and taught them all he knew about art, music, film, literature and life.

Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor

His attempts at the diet of Nuremberg in 1422 to raise a mercenary army were foiled by the resistance of the towns; and in 1424 the electors, among whom was Sigismund's former ally, Frederick I of Hohenzollern, sought to strengthen their own authority at the expense of the king.

Sompura Salat

The community is vegetarian in diet and also avoid eating onions, garlic, white cucumber and lentils.

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is a diet plan designed by cardiologist Arthur Agatston and dietician Marie Almon as an alternative to low-fat approaches such as the Ornish Diet and the Pritikin Diet advocated by the American Heart Association in the 1980s.

Cindy Moore, RD, a director of nutrition therapy at Cleveland Clinic and a former spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association claimed that although the diet meets the important criteria for a healthy diet: it emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein while not omitting any major food group, phase 1 can throw the body's electrolyte balance off because most of the weight loss is water weight.

Staffan Lindeberg

He is best known for the Kitava Study, a detailed examination of the diet, lifestyle and health of the indigenous population of Kitava, an island in the Trobriand Islands group of Papua New Guinea, carried out in the early 1990s.

Taro Nakayama

Nakayama also made history by hiring the first non-Japanese aide, Timothy Langley, into the Japanese Diet as was showcased on 60 Minutes.

Yaichi Tanigawa

A native of Nagasaki and high school graduate he was elected to the Diet for the first time in 2005 after serving in the assembly in Nagasaki Prefecture from 1999 to 2003.

Yasuhikotakia modesta

They are omnivorous, but prefer a meat-intensive diet of krill, bloodworms, Daphnia, earthworms and live insects.


Yoshitsugu Harada (born 1952), Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet

Zingel asper

The Zingel asper's diet consist of small insects which include Diptera, Baetidae and Hydropsychidae, and varies by season.

see also