
unusual facts about Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

John A. Hobson

V.I. Lenin, in Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916) - which was probably his most influential work on later Marxian scholarship - made use of Hobson's Imperialism extensively, remarking in the preface "I made use of the principal English work, Imperialism, J. A. Hobson's book, with all the care that, in my opinion, that work deserves."

A. G. Hopkins

His principal works include An Economic History of West Africa (1973), and, with Peter Cain, British Imperialism, 1688-2000 (2001), which won the Forkosch Prize of the American Historical Association and is considered by many to be the most influential interpretation of British expansion offered in the last half century.

Afrikaner Calvinism

The Irony of Apartheid : the struggle for national independence of Afrikaner Calvinism against British imperialism by Irving Hexham, New York : Edwin Mellen Press, c1981, ISBN 0-88946-904-0

Akira Fujiwara

Motohiko Izawa has slammed a number of modern historians like Fujiwara for putting ideology ahead of truth in their belief that the North Korean side was just and that American imperialism and the South Koreans were the villains.

Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Under his editorship, Race & Class – a journal for Black and Third World Liberation – became the leading international English-language journal on racism and imperialism, attracting to its editorial board Orlando Letelier, Eqbal Ahmad, Malcolm Caldwell, John Berger, Basil Davidson, Thomas Hodgkin, Jan Carew, Manning Marable among others.

August Uprising

Ariel Cohen (1998), Russian Imperialism: Development and Crisis.

Burhan Shahidi

On November 4, 1956, Burhan and Hu Yaobang, Guo Moruo helped lead a massive public rally and parade in Beijing with over 400,000 people in Tiananmen Square to support Egypt and denounce Anglo-French imperialism in the Suez Crisis.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Song


Christian Bouchet

In 1973, he served the Organisation lutte du peuple which is a nationalist revolutionary split of the far-right movement Ordre Nouveau and which is defending the nationalist movements of the Third World, particularly the Arabic states opposite to the Zionism and to the American imperialism.


Commu-militarism is an economic and political philosophy involving the creation or the act of maintaining a communist, one-party government with a publicly-owned industry focusing on the states' military and the use of it in an imperialistic manner.

Craig Baldwin

Wild Gunman (1978) is an intense montage of cowboy images, pop-cultural scenes and advertising intercut with footage and images of the geopolitical crisis driven by cultural and political imperialism.

CUBA: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism

CUBA: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism is a documentary film produced by Rock Around the Blockade in 2010.

Edward Brandis Denham

Imperialism and democracy were as difficult to merge as black and white, but the British genius for compromise and putting blind eyes to unpleasant facts had indeed brought forth a workable system.

English-medium education

Phillipson, Robert (1992), Linguistic Imperialism, Oxford University Press.

Erich Raeder pre Grand Admiral

The dominating figure of the Navy was Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, the autocratic State Secretary of the Navy who using the theories of the American naval historian Alfred Thayer Mahan had devised a distinctive Seemachtideologie, a Social Darwinist view of international relations where only the strongest states survived, and which in turn required a policy of imperialism to ensure that the German state was the strongest.

Erik Ringmar

His most recent book, Liberal Barbarism, concerns European imperialism in China in the 19th century and the destruction of Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace of the Chinese emperor.

Fukoku kyōhei

Japan’s increasing trade and industrialization was meant to combat the West’s influence by becoming militarily and financially strong enough to become an actor in Imperialism.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej

Moreover, the final years of the regime saw the publishing of Karl Marx texts which had previously been kept secret, dealing with Russia's imperial policy in previously Romanian regions that were still part of the Soviet Union.

Guilhem Figueira

Guilhem attacked the papacy not only for the Albigensian Crusade and the cruel sack of Béziers, but also for the failures of the Fourth and Fifth Crusades, papal imperialism, and the moral failings of the clergy.

History of Mizoram

By the mid-19th century British Empire had occupied all the surrounding Chittagong and Burma but had little or no interest in the tribes or their hilly land.

Imperial Ambitions

He agrees with Jawaharlal Nehru's analysis that Imperialism is inherently racist but points out that it is necessary for Imperialists to give their mission a moral basis and as John Stuart Mill did this for the British Empire so now Michael Ignatieff and other intellectuals are doing it for the American Empire but the populace should ignore these apologists and speak the truth.

Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office

Following the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1867 and the "restoration" of direct imperial rule, the leaders of the new Meiji government sought to reduce Japan's vulnerability to Western imperialism by systematically emulating the technological, governing, social, and military practices of the European great powers.


Barbara Bush, Imperialism and Postcolonialism (History: Concepts,Theories and Practice), Longmans, 2006, ISBN 0-582-50583-6

International Workers League – Fourth International

The group campaigned for the victory of Argentina in the Falklands War, for the non-payment of foreign debt, and for the "defeat of imperialism in the Gulf War." In the mid-1990s, it helped launch Workers Aid to Bosnia and began working with the Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International, although that group is now inactive.

Kalicharan Brahma

Other great Assamese Brahmos of the time include Gunabhiram Barua and Swarnalata Devi of the same faction, all of whom agitated against Colonialist Imperialism of any kind.

Marshal Clarke

Clarke drew praise from the economist John A. Hobson in his treatise Imperialism for his devotion to the education and development of the native people of Basutoland, while Viscount Bryce noted that his approach fostered goodwill amongst native people towards Britain.


It has been claimed that pan-Latinism originated in Italy, itself the place of origin of original Latins, in the medieval era with Italian poet Dante Alighieri who spoke in favour of the idea in an imperial form of world or at least European domination by Latins.

Paul Kennedy

In explaining why neutral Britain went to war with Germany, Kennedy (1980) recognized it was critical for war that Germany become economically more powerful than Britain, but he downplays the disputes over economic trade imperialism, the Baghdad Railway, confrontations in Eastern Europe, high-charged political rhetoric and domestic pressure-groups.

Social imperialism

The left-wing German historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler has defined social imperialism "the diversions outwards of internal tensions and forces of change in order to preserve the social and political status quo", and as a "defensive ideology" to counter the "disruptive effects of industrialization on the social and economic structure of Germany".

Stairs Expedition to Katanga

The Stairs Expedition to Katanga of 1891−1892 led by Captain William Stairs was the winner in a race between two imperial powers to claim Katanga, a vast mineral-rich territory in Central Africa for colonization, during which a local chief, (Mwenda Msiri) was killed.

Sven Lindqvist

His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology.

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and economic imperialism of multinationals was published and distributed to popularize the cause of SJM.

The Black-Man's Burdon

The title is a pun on The Black Man's Burden, an expression which refers to black slavery, used as the title of a book by E. D. Morel (1920) in response to the poem, "The White Man's Burden" (1899) by Rudyard Kipling, which refers to (and champions) American imperialism (including its history of slavery).

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Along with bureaucracy, which was experimented with in Egypt by Lord Cromer, Arendt says that racism was the main trait of colonialist imperialism, itself characterized by its unlimited expansion (as illustrated by Cecil Rhodes).

The Silent War

The Silent War (full title: The Silent War: Imperialism and the Changing Perception of Race) is a book by Frank Furedi.

The Twelve Caesars

During the second, the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, three Roman Legions (Legio XVII, Legio XVIII, and Legio XIX) were defeated by the West-Germanic resistance to Roman imperialism, led by Arminius.

Tok Janggut

Jihadism- Tok Janggut was influenced by the message of Jihadism promulgated during the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century, which advocated the fight against Western imperialism

Truman assassination attempt

While in prison, he gave an interview saying that his devotion to the Nationalist Party and Puerto Rican independence went back to 1932, when he had heard Pedro Albizu Campos give a speech about American imperialism and the outrage of American doctor Cornelius P. Rhoads writing about killing Puerto Ricans in experiments.


The suggestion of a possible "Ultraimperialismus" is normally attributed to Karl Kautsky, the leading theoretician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in the era of the Kaiserreich.

see also