
8 unusual facts about colonialism

Butig, Lanao del Sur

In July, 1908, Lieutenant Burr of the American colonial forces was leading forty men through the Agus River in Mindanao.

Chinese Protectorate

The Chinese Protectorate was an administrative body responsible for the well-being of ethnic Chinese residents of the Straits Settlements during that territory's British colonial period.

Exocarpos sparteus

It is also thought to be the Exocarpos species eaten by people in Australia, especially prior to colonisation.

Kittinger Company

The Kittinger Company is an American maker of colonial reproduction furniture.

Leung Long Chau

Under colonial rule, his Chinese qualification as a medical practitioner was not recognized; he thus had to turn to business to make a living.

Luangwa Bridge

The First Luangwa Bridge was built in Zambia's colonial era in 1932 as a narrow 300 m long wide steel and reinforced concrete deck on concrete piers and columns, financed, like the Chirundu Bridge and Beit Bridge by the Beit Trust.

Matthew Whitworth-Aylmer, 5th Baron Aylmer

Matthew Whitworth-Aylmer, 5th Baron Aylmer (24 May 1775–23 February 1850) was a British military officer and colonial administrator.

Three Little Pirates

Lucky for the Stooges, Rita has no interest in marrying the ruthless colonial governor and helps the boys escape by exposing some hidden tools.

5th World Festival of Youth and Students

At the end of the 1950s, the colonialism was in its last years, and in the same year, the Bandung Conference was held.

A Dying Colonialism

It was originally published in France by Maspero as L'An V de la Révolution Algérienne (Year Five of the Algerian Revolution) It was translated into English in 1965 and published by Monthly Review under the title Studies In A Dying Colonialism, which was shortened to A Dying Colonialism when appearing as a mass-market paperback by Grove Press in 1967.

Aboriginal title statutes in the Thirteen Colonies

Francis Jennings, The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest (1975).

Aina Onabolu

The latter was his mentor who got his attention on the deleterious characteristics of colonialism which was accentuated with a segregationist governor in the person of Walter Egerton.

Alexander Croke

Sir Alexander Croke (July 22, 1758 – December 27, 1842) was a British judge, Colonial Administrator and author influential in Nova Scotia of the early nineteenth century.

Alfred Radcliffe-Brown

Radcliffe-Brown was often criticized for failing to consider the effect of historical changes in the societies he studied, in particular changes brought about by colonialism, but he is now considered, together with Bronisław Malinowski, as the father of modern social anthropology.

Allal al-Fassi

He founded the nationalist Istiqlal party which was a driving force in the Moroccan struggle for independence from French colonial rule.


According to feminist historian Sarah McDougall, the Christian European insistence on monogamy and its enforcement arose as a consequence of 16th Century Islamic incursions into Central Europe and the advent of European colonialism within the Americas, Africa and Asia, which exposed European Christians to cultures that practised polygamy.

Chick Strand

Mosori Monika (1969) is a documentary about colonialism in Venezuela, told from the points of view of an elderly Warao woman, a Franciscan nun and the filmmaker herself.

Christianity and violence

Niels Peter Lemche asserts that European colonialism in the 19th century was ideologically based on the Old Testament narratives of conquest and extermination.

Columbus on Trial

Anibal Quijano, states that coloniality of power still exists in form of domination left over form political and economic colonialism, allows for continual notions of superiority to be bred under Euro-centric.

Culture of Burkina Faso

Theatre of Burkina Faso combines traditional Burkinabé performance with the colonial influences and post-colonial efforts to educate rural people to produce a distinctive national theatre.

Downward to the Earth

It is a tale of the quest for transcendence (a frequent Silverberg theme) set on another planet, and includes references to Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad's classic tale of colonialism, including the name of Kurtz.

El Matareya

The city played a heroic role during the French campaign on Egypt, where the fishermen joined the resistance forces led by the Egyptian leader of the struggle against colonialism in this region, Sheikh Hassan Tobar.

Eurasians in Singapore

Their ancestry can be traced to emigrants of countries that span the length and breadth of Europe, although Eurasian migrants to Singapore in the 19th century came largely from other colonies in Asia, such as British Malaya in particular Malacca and Penang; Chittagong and Goa in India; the Dutch East Indies and French Indochina.

Filipino people

During the period of Spanish colonialism beginning in the 16th century, the Philippines was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, which was governed and controlled from Mexico City.

French law on colonialism

As the historian Benjamin Stora pointed out, colonialism has a major "memory" stake in influencing the way various communities and the nation itself represent themselves.

German Conservative Party

The party supported Emperor Wilhelm II's naval policies and Germany's arms race with the United Kingdom, but initially kept its distance towards colonialism and the activists of the Pan-German League.

Government House, Belize

The finest colonial structure in Belize City, Government House (now the House of Culture Museum) is said to have been built to plans by the illustrious British architect Sir Christopher Wren with a combination of Caribbean Vernacular and English Urban architecture.

Jay T. Wright

His first feature film, 'Assembling the World' (16 mm, 1995), made when he was only 20 years old, follows cultures under the pressures of colonialism after the fall out of war in Taos Pueblo and Belfast and features the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico.

Jean-Paul Akayesu

He was represented by Montreal lawyer John Philpot, brother of Parti Québécois politician and author Robin Philpot; this connection later surfaced in the 2007 Quebec general election after statements from Robin Philpot's book Rwanda 1994: Colonialism Dies Hard appearing to deny the extent of the genocide were widely publicized.

Kuchuk Hanem

It seems certain that she was also an influence on George William Curtis, suggesting that she was one of the most sought-after entertainers in Upper Egypt during the colonial period.

Lakhdar Ben Tobbal

He was one of the original "historical leaders" of the FLN's November 1, 1954 uprising against French colonialism.

Late Victorian Holocausts

This book explores the impact of colonialism and the introduction of capitalism during the El Niño-Southern Oscillation related famines of 1876–1878, 1896–1897, and 1899–1902, in India, China, Brazil, Ethiopia, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and New Caledonia.

Luganda Society

The Luganda Society was established in 1950 through the efforts of Michael B. Nsimbi, known as “The Father of Ganda literature.” Observing the detrimental effects of colonialism on Uganda society and culture, and the neglect and loss of local customs, language and culture, Nsimbi joined with other likeminded nationals to form the society, with the key goals of preserving, popularising and promoting the use of Luganda to both Baganda and non-Baganda.

Maguindanao people

"Proxy colonialism" was legalized by the Public Land Act of 1919, invalidating Muslim Pusaka (inherited property) laws.


Maphilindo was initially proposed as a realisation of Filipino national hero Dr. José Rizal dream of uniting the Malay peoples, seen as artificially divided by colonial frontiers.

Martha Batiz

Her academic research has focused in Colonialism, in Latin American Political Theatre and Spanish Golden Age theatre.

Milton, New Hampshire

It would be set off and incorporated in 1802 as "Milton", the name either a contraction of "mill town", or else derived from a relative of the Wentworth colonial governors -- William Fitzwilliam, Earl Fitzwilliam and Viscount Milton.

Movement for Colonial Freedom

The organisation opposed Enoch Powell’s "rivers of blood speech" in 1968 and also campaigned against neo-colonialism after independence, and opposed military take-overs in Africa, Asia and Latin America, such as the Pinochet coup in 1973.

Mugabe and the White African

The film documents the lives of a white Zimbabwean family who run a farm in Chegutu, as they challenge the Fast Track land redistribution programme that redistributed white-owned estates, a legacy of colonialism and UDI, beginning in 2000.

Mustapha Stambouli

A law student, he was active for the nationalist cause from the late 1930s in the Parti du peuple algérien (PPA), and was jailed several times by the colonial authorities of France.

Ramón Valdés

In some episodes, he portrayed a character named Super Sam, an English-speaking, money-thirsty superhero dressed as Superman, clearly mocking Uncle Sam and the relatively wealthy situation of United States, when compared to average Latin American countries, as well as criticizing the American colonialism.

Shaun L. Gabbidon

In his 2010 Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime Gabbidon comments at some length on the work of Biko Agozino, who has studied the effect of colonialism on the treatment of black criminals.


In his work "Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man", anthropologist Michael Taussig describes the practice of using silleros to cross the Andes as part of the colonial tendency to see and treat the indigenous people as subhuman wild creatures.

Sussex Academic Press

It describes itself as an academic publisher with "core subject disciplines of Middle Eastern Studies, Theology & Religion and History" and additional publishing ventures in other subject categories such as "Latin American Studies, First Nations and the Colonial Encounter, Spanish History and Asian Studies."

Sven Lindqvist

His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology.

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Along with bureaucracy, which was experimented with in Egypt by Lord Cromer, Arendt says that racism was the main trait of colonialist imperialism, itself characterized by its unlimited expansion (as illustrated by Cecil Rhodes).

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920), by Lothrop Stoddard, postulates the collapse of white world empire, and of colonialism, because of the population growth among colored peoples.

Wassoulou Empire

The Wassoulou Empire, sometimes referred to as the Mandinka Empire, was a short-lived (1878–1898) empire of West Africa built from the conquests of Dyula ruler Samori Touré and destroyed by the French colonial army.

see also