
unusual facts about In His Mind

In His Mind

"In His Mind" (Atlantic Japan / Warner-Pioneer #AMDY-5076) is the fifth and final single from Debbie Gibson's 1990 album Anything Is Possible.

see also

Frank Bettger

A light went on in his mind when he realized that Franklin's Socratic method of asking "key" questions might work with selling policies.

Jan Milíč

As he viewed the evils inside and outside the church in the light of Scripture, the conviction grew in his mind that the "abomination of desolation" was now seen in the temple of God, and that antichrist had come, and in 1367 he went to Rome (where Pope Urban V was expected from Avignon) to expound these views.


The concept of this album is to "do whatever he wants to genre and sound wise to create the perfect project in his mind." He is also said to have been working with Neverending White Lights frontman, Daniel Victor.

Manny Mota

As one of the all-time great pinch hitters and a Los Angeles staple in the 1970s, Mota was referenced in a joke in the movie Airplane! As we hear Ted Striker's inner-dialogue echo in his mind, it resembles a stadium public address and we hear him think "Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbón... Manny Mota... Mota... Mota..."

Maximilian Seyssel d’Aix

In his mind he rendered outstanding services to the battle at Rothwaltersdorf on June 4, 1807, and asked for the bestowal of the Military Order of Max Joseph.

Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville

Thiéry de Menonville, with the image of Jason and the Golden Fleece constantly in his mind's eye, slipped over the ramparts of Veracruz one evening and set out, in the guise of a Catalan in order to account for his Frenchified Spanish and his dress, for Oaxaca where the best cochineal was produced.

Pedro Borbón

Borbón was referenced in a joke in the movie Airplane! As Ted Striker's inner-dialogue is heard echoing in his mind, it resembles a stadium public address announcement, and he is heard thinking "Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbón...Manny Mota...Mota...Mota" (though Mota and Borbon never actually played on the same team).


His initial appearance suggested that he was Ultra Boy with amnesia, but he was soon revealed to be Superboy, (whose body was being possessed by the consciousness of the apparently dead Ultra Boy), who was suffering from a form of amnesia brought on by his inadvertent disobedience to a post-hypnotic command implanted in his mind by Saturn Girl.

Stephen Mumford

Although the book was, in places, complete and filled with promise, there was much work to be done on the later chapters - Mumford reflects on a conversation between himself and Armstrong on the way to the Grenoble colloquium, mentioning Molnar's email stating the work was near finished, Armstrong replied: "it was near finished, in his mind".