
unusual facts about In-D-Negev

Abraham Path

Negev--- Day 1 of walking: Beersheba City to Lakiya; Day 2: Lakiya to Meitar; Day 3: Meitar to Har Amasa; Day 4: Har Amasa to Tel Arad National Park; Day 5: Tel Arad National Park to Arad; Day 6: Arad to Kfar haNokdim; Day 7: Kfar haNokdim to Masada.


Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language, used by members of a Bedouin community in the Negev desert of southern Israel

Al-Kasom Regional Council

(ret.) Doron Almog was appointed as the head of the staff to implement the plan to provide status for the Bedouin communities in the Negev.


In 2003, Kfar Adiel, a village for students of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, was founded near Ashalim by the Ayalim Association, whose objective is to establish settlements for students and small entrepreneurs in the Negev and the Galilee.

Ashkelon–Beersheba railway

When completed, the railway is expected to serve a new intercity line between Beersheba and Tel Aviv through the communities of the northern Negev, as well as stopping in existing railway stations in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Yavne, and Rishon LeZion.


A city in Negev given to Simeon, also romanized as Bilhah (1 Chr. 4:29) and Balah (Josh. 19:3).

Barbara, Gaza

Barbara was captured by a possible combination of the Negev, Giv'ati and Yiftach brigades on November 5, 1948 during Operation Yoav.

David Azrieli

Azrieli built a number of Israeli commercial centres including the Jerusalem Shopping Mall in Malcha, Jerusalem, Kanion ha-Negev in Beersheba and the eponymous Azrieli Center in Tel Aviv, the largest real estate project in Israel, including three skyscrapers in the heart of Tel Aviv, which has become an architectural landmark at the core of Israel's business activities.

David Tuviyahu

He also oversaw the construction of the Soroka Medical Center and helped establish the Negev University, later renamed in honor of David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister and a proponent of developing the Negev desert.

Fourth government of Israel

The government fell when Ben-Gurion resigned on 6 December 1953 as he wished to settle in the Negev kibbutz of Sde Boker.

Israel Tennis Association

Kollie Friedstein, also the executive director of the Israel Tennis Centers ("ITC") and one of the founders of Kibbutz Shoval in the Negev, become chairman of the ITA in 1988 for a 2-year period, at which time "a state of turbulence" existed between the ITA and the ITC.

Israeli legislative election, 1951

Ben-Gurion resigned on 6 December 1953 as he wished to settle in the Negev kibbutz of Sde Boker.

Mossensohn Youth Village

Three dormitories are being built for a new resident program at the Eshel HaNasi youth village in the northern Negev.

Negev Bedouin

In 2008, a railway station opened near the largest Bedouin town in the Negev, Rahat (Lehavim-Rahat Railway Station), improving the transportation situation.

Neighborhoods of Beersheba

Streets in this neighborhood are named after plants that grow in the Negev, such as Atad, Shita and Tzabar.

Nigel Goring-Morris

, Abu Salem: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Camp in the Central Negev Highlands.

Operation Shmone

It was a major obstacle to Israeli transportation to the Negev enclave and served as a forward base against Israeli positions in the area, including kibbutz Negba.

Palestinian refugee

From October to November 1948, the IDF launched Operation Yoav to remove Egyptian forces from the Negev and Operation Hiram to remove the Arab Liberation Army from North Galilee during which at least nine events named massacres of Arabs were carried out by IDF soldiers.


The Canaanite tribe settled in the south of Canaan between Hor and Negev, although it is not mentioned in the genealogy in Gen. x.

Rafael Y. Herman

Recalling the Genesis Creation story, this photography research project, of Israeli desert Negev trees, marked for the first time in photography history, a nocturnes photos that looks like taken in day light, using just the "moon-light", with no electronic or digital manipulation.


Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages, a democratic representative body for the residents of the Bedouin unrecognized villages of the Negev Desert

Sde Boker

Ben-Gurion moved to the kibbutz due to his vision of cultivating the arid Negev desert and building up its surrounding towns such as Yeruham and Dimona.

Sde Warburg

Major General (Res.) Doron Almog, Chairman of Aleh Negev was present to accept the donation and commended the residents, who had grown the lettuce and prepared the salad on the moshav.

Shaul Shats

"For Shats, Jerusalem is the heart of the world and forms a geographical boundary between desert and settlement, barbarism and civilization. Israel's Negev desert is a desolate wilderness not related to directly in his work, though he remains affected by its presence and proximity. Shats considers himself a religious painter. He has said of his work that religious painting is a frequent phenomenon and a more natural one than often realized."

The Raw Men Empire

On May 2010 they opened Jeffrey Lewis's show in Israel and on October 2010 They performed in Israel's most important Indie Music Festival - In-D-Negev featuring singer-songwriter Amit Erez and a brass quintet.

Tirabin al-Sana

In 2011 an Israeli solar energy company Arava Power signed a contract with the Tarabin tribe in the Negev Desert to build a solar installation.

Tzvika Gottlieb

Gottlieb had postponed his IDF service in order to volunteer for a year Shnat-Shirut (Gap year) working with the Bedouins in the Negev, later going on to serve 3 years in the IDF.

Woodhead Commission

Three mandated territories under British control: all of the Galilee (initial population 77,300 Jews and 231,400 Arabs), an enclave including Jerusalem and Lydda (initial population 80,100 Jews and 211,400 Arabs), and the Negev region from north of Beersheva (initially 60,000 Arabs).

Yigal Allon

During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Allon led several of the major operations on all three fronts, including Yiftach in the Galilee, Danny in the Centre, Yoav, and Horev in the Negev.

see also