
unusual facts about Independent media

Independent media

In the U.S., the three main media development implementers are Internews, International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), and International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX).

see also

2004 Republican National Convention protest activity

One of the most prominent personalities arrested was Eric Corley "Emmanuel Goldstein", an important advocate of public rights and independent media, and editor of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly.

2011 Western Saharan protests

Protests were also reportedly held in Guelmim and Assa in southern Morocco proper to protest the death and arrest of several Sahrawi youth activists in late April, though Sahrawi sources claiming knowledge of these events did not specify when they took place and their reports could not be immediately verified by independent media or observers.

An Inconvenient Truth 2

A screening in York was reviewed in the independent media outlet and student run University of York website The Yorker.


Crónica Electrónica or Crónica, an independent media label based in Porto, Portugal

Johan Reinholdz

Anton - The Happy Prankster EP (2000, Mjäll/Slask Independent Media ) - synth on "Junkland"


Prachatai, together with other selected Thai independent media (Budpage, Fah Diew Kan, Midnight University, Open, and Questionmark), was collectively curated as "Thai Bookazine" to participate in The Magazines project of the Documenta 12 exhibition.

Rabbis for Human Rights

David Bedein from Independent Media Review Analysis has criticized RHR, accusing it of joining "forces with the PLO to support the idea that Israel, was indeed, an apartheid, racist regime" at the 2001 UN Anti-Racism conference in Durban, South Africa.


November 30, 2000, WAAKE-UP! co-sponsored showings of the film This Is What Democracy Looks Like along with End Sanctions Now!, the Rocky Mountain Independent Media Center, AMP, Art & Revolution, Free Speech TV and KGNU.