
unusual facts about Indian mythology

Akilathirattu Ammanai

It is a poetic narrative in Tamil intended to be an excellent compilation of the various aspects of Indian mythology and beliefs about God.

D. R. Bendre

Apart from native prosodic forms, Bendre has also employed native imagery, folk beliefs, references to Indian mythology and the language spoken by common people.

see also


Sivi, the son of Usinara and the originator of the Sivis in Sivapura, is celebrated in the Indian mythology for his generosity.

S. V. Ranga Rao

He was known for his natural acting and for portraying versatile roles of Hindu mythological characters like Ravana, Ghatotkacha, Duryodhana, Kamsa and Kichaka from Indian Mythology.


According to Indian Mythology, Lord Shiva is praised by a Statue/Sculpture called 'Shivling'.