
3 unusual facts about Indifference


Principle of indifference, in probability theory, a rule for assigning epistemic probabilities

Indifference curve, in microeconomic theory, a graph describing consumer preferences

Le Mouton noir

He is himself the director of Le confort et l'indifférence, a similar analytic film about the 1980 plebiscite, and is brought into Le Mouton Noir especially for that reason.

Adam Penenberg

His non-fiction book Tragic Indifference: One Man's Battle With the Auto Industry Over the Dangers of SUVs which deals with the biggest product liability case in history, the Ford and Firestone controversy, was published in 2003 and is currently being made into a movie.

Aldo Capitini

It was successful and spread to other cities, including Ferrara, Florence, Bologna, Lucca, Arezzo, Ancona, Assisi and Naples, but it failed to establish itself permanently because of the indifference of the Left and the hostility of the Christian Democratic Party.

Almoravid dynasty

Their religious teachers, as well as others in the east, (most notably, al-Ghazali in Persia and al-Tartushi in Egypt, who was himself an Iberian by birth from Tortosa), detested the taifa rulers for their religious indifference.

James Tyson

Enid Moberly Bell (1947:124-126) recounts a chance meeting between Tyson and Flora Shaw on a long train journey: although vastly different in background, they had "a fundamental agreement on values - indifference to wealth, delight in adventure, satisfaction in work accomplished ..." - see E.M.Bell (1947) Flora Shaw: Lady Lugard, D.B.E. Constable.

Jean-Sélim Kanaan

In 2002 he published his book Ma guerre à L’indifference, (English: My war against indifference), with a preface by Christine Ockrent.

John Fozard

This version of the Harrier had been given the definitive go-ahead (funding) on 15 May 1975 by Roy Mason, the Barnsley-born Defence Secretary, after being met with government indifference previously.

John William Ormsby

On 14 April 1917 at Fayet, France, during operations which culminated in the capture of an important position, Sergeant Ormsby, acting as company sergeant-major showed complete indifference to the heavy machine-gun and rifle fire and set a fine example.

Silas C. Swallow

In the latter position Swallow vigorously attacked alcohol, spiritual indifference, and corruption in state government.

see also