
4 unusual facts about Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Due to allegations that school officials coerced parents into administering psychotropic medication such as Ritalin to their child, an amendment to the IDEA was added called prohibition on mandatory medication.

Lovaas model

However, in the United States, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires school districts to provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to all children over the age of three.

Ruth C. Sullivan

Ruth Sullivan was one of the chief lobbyists for Public Law 94-142 (the Education of All Handicapped Children Act, now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA), which guaranteed a public education to all children in the United States.

Serious emotional disturbance

Emotional Disturbance is one of thirteen disabilities outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Adapted physical education

Enacted in 1990 (and reauthorized in 1997 and 2004), IDEA was the reauthorization of PL 94–142 and continued the emphasis upon FAPE, IEP, LRE, and physical education as a direct educational service.

see also