Australian Labor Party | industrial | Labor | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | Labor Party | Industrial music | Labor Day | Peer review | Industrial Revolution | Industrial Workers of the World | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | public relations | United States Department of Labor | industrial music | Council on Foreign Relations | American Federation of Labor | Partisan Review | Electoral and Administrative Review Commission | international relations | National Review | Public relations | Congress of Industrial Organizations | The New York Times Book Review | Dow Jones Industrial Average | North American Review | Monthly Review | industrial rock | The Paris Review | peer review | labor |
Boyer is associate editor of the Industrial and Labor Relations Review and has been a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Economic History and of Social Science History.
In 1989 US labour relations academic Charles Heckscher published "The New Unionism: Employee Involvement in the Changing Corporation" (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 42, No. 3 Apr., 1989, pp. 463–465), and this became one of a series of influential papers which encouraged the union movement to reconsider questions of industrial democracy.