
4 unusual facts about labor

Labor's Heritage

Labor's Heritage was a journal which published articles regarding the history of the labor movement in the United States.

Steve Eisman

After offering testimony to Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee on problems with for-profit higher education, Eisman was strongly criticized by progressive groups such as Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington on the grounds that he stood to profit from proposed regulations due to his short positions against private colleges.

United States Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management

Half the membership was drawn from the Committee on Government Operations and half from the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

Beck and other Teamster leaders subsequently challenged the authority of the Permanent Subcommittee to investigate the union by arguing that the Senate's Labor and Public Welfare Committee had jurisdiction over labor racketeering, not Government Operations.

Albert Hall, Canberra

In the lead-up to the 2007 Federal Election, the Labor Senator Kate Lundy committed $500,000 to the restoration of the Albert Hall.

Art of labor

However, work and workers, along with the labor movement, are often depicted as experiences of the American past: paintings of Joe Hill, photographs from the early 1900s of children working in factories, historic strikes and Rosie the Riveter.

Bertha Runkle

In 1893 she undertook, with Charles Dudley Warner, the enormous labor which is represented in the thirty volumes of Library of the World's Best Literature.

Bill Ely

His career came to an end at the 1932 election, amidst Labor's heavy defeat after Lang was sacked as Premier by Governor Philip Game; one of many Labor MPs to lose their seats, Ely was defeated by United Australia Party candidate Claude Fleck.

Black Lung Benefits Act of 1973

Arnold Miller (1923–1985) a miner and long time labor activist played a big role in the struggle for this legislation.

Bread and Roses Heritage Festival

Ethan Snow of the UNITE HERE labor union expressed the continuity of the labor struggle by linking the Occupy Wall Street Movement's "99 percent" slogan to the 1912 strikers and to the plight of modern laborers in Lawrence: “One hundred years ago, workers took a stand against the greed of the 1%. Today we are faced with a similar situation in Lawrence, and we too will take up the fight for current day Bread & Roses.”

Brett Raguse

Raguse was the Labor candidate for the safe National seat of Beaudesert at the 2006 state election, losing to incumbent MP Kev Lingard.

Clyde Holding

He was a supporter of the reforming federal Labor leader, Gough Whitlam, who was determined to reform the Victorian branch as a precondition of winning a federal election.

Colette Avital

However, she entered the Knesset in November 1999 when Labor MK Matan Vilnai resigned.

Currans Hill, New South Wales

The suburb is contained within the federal electorate of Macarthur, represented by Russell Matheson (Liberal), and the state electorate of Camden, currently held by former mayor Geoff Corrigan (Labor).

Dave Tollner

Tollner then contested the 2008 territory election, winning the new seat of Fong Lim and defeating Labor minister Matthew Bonson.

Electoral district of Blacktown

Liberal Alfred Dennis won the seat in the 1959 election, but held it for only one term before Labor regained it.

Fred Riebeling

Riebeling retired shortly before the 2008 election and Vince Catania, the son of Balcatta MP Nick Catania won preselection for the vacant seat and retained the seat for the Labor Party.

Geoff Garin

He replaced Mark Penn as the Clinton Campaign's chief strategist in April 2008, after the Wall Street Journal revealed that Penn met with Colombian official regarding a proposed free trade agreement opposed by Clinton and most labor unions.

Global workforce

One potential outcome of widespread global labor arbitrage, then, is exploitation and even death of workers in countries that have the fewest protections.

Israeli presidential election, 2007

Other persons who had been considered as possible candidates included Dalia Itzik (Kadima), Binyamin Ben-Eliezer (Labor), Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, and Meir Shamgar.

James P. Maher

He served as chairman of the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Labor (Sixty-third through Sixty-fifth Congresses).

John D'Amato

After being promoted Caporegime during the 1980s by Giovanni "John the Eagle" Riggi, D'Amato became heavily involved in large labor and construction racketeering operations with prominent New Jersey mobsters Giacomo "Jake" Amari and Girolamo "Jimmy" Palermo.

John Hoerr

Later he worked at The Daily Tribune in Royal Oak, Michigan, rejoined UPI for two years in Chicago, and served separate stints with Business Week, in Detroit and Pittsburgh, specializing as a labor reporter on the automobile, steel, and coal-mining industries.

Judith Graley

In 2006, Graley was elected to the Victorian Legislative Assembly as the Labor member for Narre Warren South, having defeated sitting member Dale Wilson for preselection.

Kurt Bolender

Therefore, Bolender instead returned to the operation at the SS labor camp at Dorohucza and subsequently to Trieste in Italy.

Liborio Bellomo

The Javits was controlled through affiliations with labor bosses Frederick Devine, Martin Forde, Attilio Bitondo, Eugene Hanley, Anthony Fiorino, Leonard Simon, Fabian Palomino, Carmine Fiore, and Ralph Coppola.

Limoges porcelain

The city was the most famous European centre of vitreous enamel production in the 12th century, and Limoges enamel was known as Opus de Limogia or Labor Limogiae.

Lisa Singh

In August 2007, Singh abstained in a vote on a controversial Bill supporting Gunns' Bell Bay Pulp Mill supported by all fellow Labor MPs, after having failed in an appeal to then-Premier Paul Lennon for a conscience vote on the matter.

Max James

James ran as an independent candidate at the 2010 South Australian state election in the House of Assembly seat of Port Adelaide held by Rann Labor Treasurer Kevin Foley.

McIver railway station

The station was opened on 1 September 1989 and named after Ken McIver, a long serving steam engine driver and Labor member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for Northam and Avon from 1968 until 1986.

Mellon Square

In the 1800s the site was home to Turner Hall, and in 1881 the world's first labor union, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions (later to become the AFL and part of the AFL-CIO) had its founding conference at the site.

Miguel Contreras

A contest over the leadership of the union's Local 11 led another labor leader, Maria Elena Durazo, to protest his involvement in the dispute.

Nicholas Bonanno

Bonanno was also engaged in other labor movement activities, including the American Trade Union Council for Histadrut, Atlanta’s Community Relations Committee, and the United Italian American Labor Council.

Nuclear power whistleblowers

The U.S. Department of Labor ruled that his submissions to SAFETEAM were protected and his dismissal was invalid, a finding upheld by Labor Secretary Lynn Martin.

Open-source unionism

Open-source unionism is a term coined by academics Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers to explain a possible new model for organizing workers that depended on the labor movement"taking its own historical lessons with diversified membership seriously and relying more heavily on the Internet in membership communication and servicing."

Oran Park, New South Wales

The suburb is contained within the federal electorate of Macarthur, represented by former ultra-marathon runner Pat Farmer (Liberal), and the state electorate of Camden, currently held by former mayor Geoff Corrigan (Labor).

Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district

Many of Allegheny County's southern suburbs of Pittsburgh are located in the district, which range from traditional wealth areas such as Mount Lebanon and Upper St. Clair, middle class communities such as Bethel Park, Brentwood & Scott Township, and working class labor towns such as Elizabeth.

Question P

The effort to gather signatures to put Question P on the ballot, in the first place, was spearheaded by a grassroots political action coalition that included Community and Labor United for Baltimore (CLUB), the Baltimore Green Party, the Baltimore office of ACORN and state delegates Curt Anderson and Jill P. Carter.

Rupert Hamer

Employing the slogan "Hamer Makes It Happen", he won a landslide against the Labor opposition under Clyde Holding, and an ever bigger victory (also against Holding) in 1976.

Ruth Milkman

In 1986, she was a visiting lecturer in American labor history at the University of Warwick in Coventry, United Kingdom, a visiting professor at the University of São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil in 1990, a visiting research scholar at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia in 1991, and a visiting research associate at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris in 1993.

Ryan by-election, 2001

Comparisons were drawn with the 1975 by-election in the Tasmanian electorate of Bass: both had resulted from the resignation of a Defence Minister (Former Labor Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard in 1975), and Labor's landslide loss in Bass was linked to the defeat of the Whitlam government several months later.


A. J. Sabath, former Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development in New Jersey

Serafino Romualdi

He was a member of the Joint AFL-CIO Commission that investigated labor conditions in the Central Zone in January 1949, and was a member of the US delegation to the conventions of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) held in Milan, in 1951; Vienna in (1955) and Tunis in 1957.

Simon H. Rifkind

He was appointed by the United States Supreme Court to sort out the rival claims of various western states to the Colorado River, was tapped by President John F. Kennedy to investigate railroad labor issues, and helped create (and later served as General Counsel of) the Mutual Assistance Corporation for New York City during New York's bankruptcy crisis in the 1970s.


Many general interest paperbacks and the like are printed in SR1; under Gough Whitlam's Labor Government the Australian Ministry of Helth was officially so spelled (though, when Whitlam was replaced by a liberal administration, it reintroduced orthographic conservatism).

Steve Ahlquist

He is also the co-creator (along with Chris Reilly) of Strange Eggs, an anthology published by SLG Publishing, formerly Slave Labor Graphics.

Sugar City, Idaho

In early years the factory had a labor shortage, leading to a local community of NikkeiJapanese migrants and their descendants.

Technological revolution

The Market Revolution: A drastic change in the manual labor system originating in the South of the United States (and soon moving to the North) and later spreading to the entire world (about 1800–1900).

Theodore J. St. Antoine

He is active in labor arbitration of union and management disputes, acting as arbitrator in dozens of Major League Baseball arbitration matters, the parties of which have included the league and individual teams, agents, and players, including Curt Schilling, Sandy Alomar, Jr., and Darryl Strawberry.

Three Arrows Cooperative Society

Notable Three Arrows members include author Bruno Fischer, labor leader Israel Kugler, political activist Samuel H. Friedman and poet Peretz Kaminsky.

Western Australian state election, 1897

As payment of members was not introduced until 1900, the Political Labour Party, formed in 1896, had found it difficult to attract candidates who could afford to enter Parliament, but three of its candidates ran for election, and Charles Oldham, a former president of the Trades and Labor Council, became the first Labour member of Parliament in Western Australia.

William Hammatt Davis

He developed such a good reputation as a mediator between management and labor that Roosevelt brought him back to Washington in 1941 to join (and soon chair) the National Defense Mediation Board (NDMB), which became the War Labor Board (WLB) in early 1942.

Xenia Hausner

Damenwahl- Berichte aus dem Labor, mit Beiträgen von André Heller, Elfriede Jelinek und Peter Weiermair, deutsch/englisch, Übersetzung von P. J. Blumenthal und Allison Brown, Wienand Verlag, Köln 2003.

Yagutil Mishiev

From 1943 to 1951, he actively helped the board of the municipality of Kuba, Azerbaijan to prepare documents to award a medal to those who worked on the labor front of World War II.

see also