
unusual facts about Inference

Alexander Rosenberg

Rosenberg also coauthored an influential book on David Hume with Tom Beauchamp, Hume and the Problem of Causation, arguing that Hume was not a skeptic about induction but an opponent of rationalist theories of inductive inference.

Alfred Gell

Gell takes it from the linguist Charles Sanders Peirce as a case of synthetic inference, where you are in very strange circumstances, which could be explained by the supposition that it is a case obedient to some rule, and therefore we adopt such a supposition.

Bayesian inference

Applications which make use of Bayesian inference for spam filtering include CRM114, DSPAM, Bogofilter, SpamAssassin, SpamBayes, and Mozilla.

Bayesian inference in marketing

Bayesian inference has experienced spikes in popularity as it has been seen as vague and controversial by rival frequentist statisticians.

Caves of Aruba

The villages inhabited by them were near the towns of Santa Cruz and Savaneta, and the carvings inside the caves and rock faces testify to this inference.

Cognitive distortion

Mind reading: Inferring a person's possible or probable (usually negative) thoughts from their behavior and nonverbal communication; taking precautions against the worst reasonably suspected case or some other preliminary conclusion, without asking the person.

Confidence interval

Hacking, I. (1965) Logic of Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Four-dimensional space

The retina of the eye is also a two-dimensional array of receptors but the brain is able to perceive the nature of three-dimensional objects by inference from indirect information (such as shading, foreshortening, binocular vision, etc.).

Frank van Harmelen

He was one of the co-designers of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and the Ontology Inference Layer (OIL), and has published books on meta-level inference, on knowledge-based systems, and on the Semantic Web.

Graphical models for protein structure

Here, the partition function already has a closed form, so the inference, at least for the Gaussian graphical models is trivial.

Horn clause

In fact, the resolution of a goal clause with a definite clause to produce a new goal clause is the basis of the SLD resolution inference rule, used to implement logic programming and the programming language Prolog.


That writer associates it with Herbita, Assorus, Agyrium (modern Agira), and other towns of the interior, in a manner that would lead us to suppose it situated in the same region of Sicily; and this inference is confirmed by Ptolemy, who places Hemichara or Himichara (evidently the same place) in the northeast of Sicily, between Capitium (modern Capizzi) and Centuripa (modern Centuripe).

Institute of Social Sciences, Agra

programme in Statistics The main areas of research are sample surveys, design of experiment, statistical inference, Bayesian Inference, Population studies, Biostatistics, Econometric, Data mining, Operation research, marketing and business Statistics.

Invisible College

Bordwell, David: Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema.

Karl J. Friston

His main contribution to theoretical neurobiology is a variational Free energy principle (active inference in the Bayesian brain).

Likelihood principle

More recently the likelihood principle as a general principle of inference has been championed by A. W. F. Edwards.

Norton Bay

The inference, based on field studies, is that the Nulato-Norton Bay region evolved during the Cretaceous period.

Oracle Spatial and Graph

Native inferencing with parallel, incremental and secure operation for scalable reasoning with RDFS, Web Ontology Language (OWL 2 RL/EL), Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), user-defined rules, user-defined inference extensions, and an extensibility framework to plug-in special purpose reasoners, such as PelletDB, TrOWL.

Peter Lipton

Lipton's research interests focused on the philosophy of science, including topics such as explanation, inference, testing, theory change, laws of nature, and scientific realism.

Peter Richard Killeen

Killeen has also developed a theory of learning as causal inference (1981) bringing these together in his paper on the perception of contingency in conditioning: Scalar timing, response bias, and the erasure of memory by reinforcement (Killeen, 1984).


Advances in both laboratory methods (e.g. capillary DNA sequencing technology) that allowed easier sequencing DNA and computational methods that make better use of the data (e.g. employing coalescent theory) have helped improve phylogeographic inference.

Prediction interval

Seymour Geisser, a proponent of predictive inference, gives predictive applications of Bayesian statistics.


One use of the pseudolikelihood measure is as an approximation for inference about a Markov or Bayesian network, as the pseudolikelihood of an assignment to X i may often be computed more efficiently than the likelihood, particularly when the latter may require marginalization over a large number of variables.

Re Ellenborough Park

Since it is stated in paragraph 4 of Mr Rendell's affidavit in support of the Summons and has been conceded that all the conveyances of plots for building purposes fronting or near Ellenborough Park were as regards (inter alia) user substantially the same as the 1864 Conveyance, the inevitable inference is that the houses which, were to be built upon the plots were to constitute a residential estate.


Daniel Wegner’s influential book The Illusion of Conscious Will (Illusion of control; 2002; see also Wegner 2003 and 2004) posits the phenomenal will as the illusory product of post hoc inference.

Symbolic Manipulation Program

It was first sold commercially in 1981 by the Computer Mathematics Corporation of Los Angeles which later became part of Inference Corporation; Inference Corp. further developed the program and marketed it commercially from 1983 to 1988.

The Design Inference

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities (1998) is a book by American philosopher and mathematician William A. Dembski, a proponent of intelligent design, which sets out to establish approaches by which evidence of intelligent agency could be inferred in natural and social situations.


Variational Bayesian methods, a family of techniques for approximating integrals in Bayesian inference and machine learning

see also