
unusual facts about explanation

2008 Abkhazia bombings

Official in Tbilisi and Georgian media offered as alternative explanation that the bombings were the result of a power struggle among different criminal groups in Abkhazia.

Alex Stevenson

Puzzled by the fourteen-year gap between his first and second FAI cap, Stevenson apparently approached both the Everton secretary-manager, Theo Kelly, and the FAI secretary Joe Wickham for an explanation but neither was prepared to offer one.

Battle of Deorham

The military historian Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Burne, employing his theory of 'Inherent Military Probability' opted for a simpler explanation for the battle than Clair-Baddeley.


This explanation is given as early as 1690 in a dictionary by Kaspar von Stieler.

British Rail Class 76

While in the Netherlands it gained the name Tommy after the nickname given to British soldiers and ran for the rest of its working life with a name plate which included an explanation of the origin - "So named by drivers of the Netherlands State Railway to whom this locomotive was loaned 1947-1952".

Canadian River

A more recent explanation comes from William Bright, who wrote that the name is "probably derived from Río Canadiano", a Spanish spelling of the Caddo word káyántinu, which was the Caddos' name for the nearby Red River.

Christmas on a Rational Planet

It also contains the first casual reference to the Faction Paradox, which become an important element in the BBC books Eighth Doctor Adventures and subsequent spin-off series, and an explicit explanation that the mark carried by the Third Doctor during his exile on Earth was a branding used to distinguish criminals by the Time Lords (in reality, this mark was a tattoo of a cobra that Jon Pertwee picked up while serving in the Royal Navy).

Daniel Dolan

As a seminarian at Écône in autumn 1973, he came to the conclusion that "the only logical explanation" for the New Mass and the alleged heresy of the Second Vatican Council was that Pope Paul VI had lost the Roman pontificate.

Derek Ibbotson

In 1957 the press had eulogised him at every opportunity - after Cardiff they were seeking an explanation as to why our runners had been unsuccessful and missed the obvious answer that they were up against runners like Elliott and Murray Halberg.

Doomsday argument

Additionally, it should be considered that because Carter did present and describe his argument, in which case the people to whom he explained it did contemplate the DA, as it was inevitable, the conclusion could then be drawn that in the moment of explanation Carter created the basis for his own prediction.

E.C. Riegel

Best selling libertarian author Harry Browne, in the introduction to his 1974 book You Can Profit from a Monetary Crisis described Riegel's book The New Approach to Freedom as “The best explanation of the free market I've seen.

Evolutionary psychology of religion

Pascal Boyer suggests, in his book Religion Explained, that there is no simple explanation for religious consciousness.

Flannan Isle

The poem Flannan Isle is quoted by Tom Baker as the Doctor at the end of the Doctor Who story Horror of Fang Rock, which was set on a lighthouse and involved an alien explanation for the tragedy that befell the three keepers there and survivors of a shipwreck.

Fractal cosmology

They acknowledge the contributions of people like Emanuel Swedenborg, Edmund Fournier D'Albe, Carl Charlier, and Knut Lundmark to the subject of cosmology and a fractal-like interpretation, or explanation thereof.

Global Marshall Plan Initiative

The concept contains no explanation with which political means the policy changes of WTO, World Bank and International Monetary Fund are to be achieved.


American political scientist Joseph Nye, co-founder of the international relations theory of neoliberalism, generalized the term to argue that globalism refers to any description and explanation of a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances; while globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism.

Golden Fleece

## Otar Lordkipanidze (2001), “The Golden Fleece: Myth, Euhemeristic Explanation and Archaeology”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 20, pp.

Google China

However, the filtering was later re-enabled without any acknowledgment or explanation; search queries in Chinese on the keywords Tiananmen or June 4, 1989 returned censored results with the standard censorship footnote.

Hector Hamilton

He became prominent in 1932 when the Soviet Union awarded him first prize alongside two Soviet architects for his design for the Palace of the Soviets in the second round of a public design competition, only to cancel the award without explanation a few months later.

Hesychius of Jerusalem

The anti-Semitic tone of many scholia may find an explanation in local conditions; likewise geographical and topographical allusions to the holy places of Palestine would be expected of an exegete living at Jerusalem.

Incarnations of Immortality

A few other series have used the technology/magic combined motif, notably Apprentice Adept, another series by Piers Anthony, and Four Lords of the Diamond by Jack Chalker, although that book had an actual technological basis for the explanation of its magic, in contrast to Piers Anthony's work.

Jan van Huysum

A picture by Justus is preserved in the gallery of Brunswick, representing "Orpheus and the Beasts in a wooded landscape", and here we have some explanation of his son's fondness for landscapes of a conventional and Arcadian kind; for Jan van Huysum, though skilled as a painter of still life, believed himself to possess the genius of a landscape painter.

Jean Cavalier

From Dijon he went on to Paris, where Louis XIV gave him audience and heard his explanation of the revolt of the Cévennes.

Killing of David Wilkie

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Lane, explained that the crime would be murder if the death was a "natural consequence" of the miners' actions, but the legal phrase "natural consequence" was potentially misleading without further explanation.

Kotomitsuki Keiji

On September 13, Kotomitsuki filed an injunction with the Tokyo District Court seeking his re-instatement to sumo, arguing that he had not been given a full explanation for his dismissal and that he was made an unfair example by the Sumo Association in comparison with the lighter punishment given to all the other wrestlers who admitted gambling (a one-tournament suspension).

Levelland, Texas

However, several prominent UFO researchers, among them Dr. James E. McDonald, a physicist at the University of Arizona, and Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer at Northwestern University, disputed this explanation.

Madoc, Ontario

There exists an alternative explanation, namely that the name comes from a small Welsh village, Llanmadoc on the Gower Peninsula of Wales, not far from the city of Swansea, which is in turn named for a place called Médoc in Bordeaux, France.

Mattithiah ben Solomon Delacrut

a commentary on Solomon Abigdor's Hebrew translation of Sacrobosco's treatise on astronomy, Tractatus de Sphæra, or "Aspectus Circulorum," (Hebrew, "Mar'eh ha-Ofannim"), with an explanation of the difficult passages of the translation according to the reading of his masters of the University of Bologna, and the interpretation he had found in Christian works (Cracow, 1720)

Meir Shiff

He says, for instance, that Jacob must have been familiar with the explanation of Gen. xxv.

Michael Ogio

He became acting as governor-general on 20 December 2010 when Jeffrey Nape resigned after one week without explanation.

Mop wedding

One explanation for the unique name of the Mops & Brooms public house in Well End, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire is that it commemorates mop and broomstick weddings which once took place there.


A further explanation is that the property of religious corporations could be said to be "in dead hands", as the members of such corporations were considered civilly dead after taking religious oaths.

Mrtva priroda

Before the Sarajevo concert on Mrtva priroda tour, Đorđević had to write an explanation for this problematic lyrics and sign a statement that he would sing the song "Na zapadu ništa novo" on his own risk.


The name means The Suspended Odes or The Hanging Poems, the traditional explanation being that these poems were hung on or in the Ka'ba at Mecca.

Mze TV

But the same report also said that On the Edge of Choice had been temporarily cancelled earlier that year after experts invited on to the programme failed to corroborate the official explanation for the death of Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania.


An alternate loric explanation for the name is given in Neverwinter Nights 2: When the city's founder (Halueth Never) was hunted to the coast by orcs, he chose the city's site to make his last stand.

Orlando Reeves

An alternative explanation for the name is that one of the founders of the city was enamoured with Shakespeare, and named the city for the hero of As You Like It.

Perceptual paradox

wrote that "Practitioners will only be able to claim that a valid explanation of a histological observation has been provided if three questions can be answered satisfactorily: what is the functional role of the arrangement in the animal; what mechanisms underlie this function; and what sequence of chemical and mechanical events during evolution and development gave rise to these mechanisms?"

Planetary hours

The astrological order of the days was explained by Vettius Valens and Dio Cassius (and Chaucer gave the same explanation in his Treatise on the Astrolabe).

Raison oblige theory

Raison Oblige Theory offers an alternate explanation of exhibited behaviors widely accepted to be caused by the motive of self-verification (SVT)(William Swann, 1983).

Refrigerator mother theory

Many articles and books published in that era blamed autism on a maternal lack of affection, but by 1964, Bernard Rimland, a psychologist who had a son with autism, published a book that signaled the emergence of a counter-explanation to the established misconceptions about the causes of autism.

Robert Fitzhamon

One explanation is the legend of the Twelve Knights of Glamorgan, which dates from the 16th century, in which the Welsh Prince Iestyn ap Gwrgan (Jestin), prince or Lord of Glamorgan, supposedly called in the assistance of Robert Fitzhamon.

Snot Dudley

The explanation given for his departure was that The Pitbulls had broken his pelvis with a superbomb.

The only poll that counts...

In his book Polling and the Public: What Every Citizen Should Know, Herb Asher provides an general explanation of the context in which the phrase is used.

Theological hermeneutics

Since the Halakah, however, is regarded simply as an exposition and explanation of the Torah, Talmud hermeneutics includes also the rules by which the requirements of the oral law are derived from and established by the written law.

Timothy Mason

Mason criticized Klaus Hildebrand and Karl Dietrich Bracher for focusing too much on Hitler as an explanation for the Holocaust.


In addition, on Sunday afternoons at 1:00 p.m., Matinee at One played a complete Broadway show soundtrack with an explanation of the plot.

William Underhill Moore

In 1929 he was co-author with Theodore S. Hope Jr. of "An Institutional Approach to the Law of Commercial Banking,” as published in the Yale Law Journal, 1929, an explanation and predicting of banking law decisions that "did not appear to derive from existing legal rules by determining the extent to which the facts of the case deviated from normal banking practice.

Wolfgang Fürstner

This explanation was a pretext to disparage Fürstner due to his background; Fürstner, along with fencer Helene Mayer and hockey star Rudi Ball, was one of the few people with Jewish ancestry connected with the 1936 Olympics.

see also