
unusual facts about Inflow


Infiltration/Inflow, inappropriate connection of surface runoff drains into sanitary sewers

1 E+11 m³

200 billion m3 — estimated volume of the annual net inflow of seawater to the Black Sea (from the Mediterranean Sea via the Bosporus)

320 billion m3 — estimated volume of the annual inflow of freshwater to the Black Sea


Brichmulla (also spelled Brich Mulla and Brich-Mulla, Russian: Брич-Мулла́) is a village in the northeast of Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan, by the Koksu River near its inflow into the Charval Reservoir by the southwestern extremity of the Koksu Ridge, west Tian Shan.

English Poor Laws

Historian George Boyer has stated that England suffered rapid inflation at this time caused by population growth, the debasement of coinage and the inflow of American silver.

Kan Creek

Tehran's district 22 municipality has considered Kan Creek a primary source of water for the currently under construction Chitgar Lake, the stream will provide 80 percent of the artificial lake's inflow.

Lake Bogoria

They originate from inflow from the Sandai and Emsos rivers, and from about 200 alkaline hot springs that are present at three onshore sites: Loburu, Chemurkeu, and a southern group (Ng'wasis, Koibobei, Losaramat).

Main Turkmen Canal

Nevertheless, it also resulted in the destruction of the native riparian tugai forests, and greatly diminished the inflow of water to the Aral Sea, which caused great ecological catastrophe.

Mamluk dynasty of Iraq

Both Hasan and Ahmad rendered a valuable service to the Ottoman Porte by curbing the unruly tribes and securing a steady inflow of taxes to the treasury in Constantinople as well as by defending Iraq against yet another military threat from the Safavids of Iran.

Mangrullo Formation

It had an open coastal barrier to marine water but also had extensive inflow of freshwater from melting glaciers.

Panamint Valley

During pluvial periods of the Pleistocene, inflow from a chain of streams and lakes to the northwest sustained a large lake that overflowed into Lake Manly in Death Valley.

Risks to the Glen Canyon Dam

If water level then drops, it may lower below the penstock openings, which are higher up on the dam face, then the release capacity of the dam drops to zero, and the Colorado River below the dam could remain dry until the next major spring inflow, and only springs, seeps and tributaries such as the Paria, Little Colorado and Virgin River would replenish its flow during these times, perhaps causing unprecedented drops in levels of Lake Mead as well.

South Opuha River

It flows south down a valley between the Two Thumbs Range and the Sherwood Range from its origins northwest of Mount Misery before turning southeast around the southern end of the Sherwood Range to reach the western shore of Opuha Lake, of which it is a major inflow.


Generally, the growth of the Tsardom of Russia into the Russian Empire was accompanied to a greater or lesser extent by the inflow of German surnames.

Wabigoon Lake

The community of Dryden (pop 8,198) is located on the north shore of the lake, and the primary inflow and outflow is the Wabigoon River.

Yoldia Sea

:* The Mastogloia Sea - a substage sometimes used to distinguish the period between 8000 and 7000 years ago when the Baltic became distinctly brackish - during this period the English Channel and the Danish straits circulation was established, increasing Atlantic water inflow.

see also