
3 unusual facts about English Poor Laws

English Poor Laws

Historian George Boyer has stated that England suffered rapid inflation at this time caused by population growth, the debasement of coinage and the inflow of American silver.

In 1905 the Conservatives passed the Unemployed Workman Act which provided for temporary employment for workers in times of unemployment.

Joseph Townsend

Joseph Townsend (April 4, 1739 – November 9, 1816) was a physician, geologist and vicar of Pewsey in Wiltshire, perhaps best known for his 1786 treatise A Dissertation on the Poor Laws in which he expounded a naturalistic theory of economics and opposed the provision of 'outdoor' relief to the able bodied poor under English Poor Laws thus anticipating the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834.


Pauperism (Lat. pauper, poor) is a term meaning poverty or generally the state of being poor, but in English usage particularly the condition of being a "pauper", i.e. in receipt of relief administered under the English Poor Laws.

see also