Dumpster diving is commonly practiced by "watchdog" organizations seeking information on groups they are investigating.
In a famous case, a student, Jerry Schneider, discovered some discarded manuals for a telephone system ordering / shipping system and was able to build a business selling 'surplus' gear ordered from the telephone company as though for an internal company department.
Information Technology | United States Information Agency | Information technology | National Center for Biotechnology Information | information technology | Scuba diving | Program and System Information Protocol | Geographic information system | diving | information | Diving | IPTC Information Interchange Model | World Summit on the Information Society | Right to Information Act | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | High Diving Hare | Central Office of Information | public information film | Professional diving | intelligence (information gathering) | Information technology consulting | Freedom of information in the United Kingdom | Vital Information | scuba diving | Jane's Information Group | Information Commissioner's Office | underwater diving | The Diving Board Tour | Internet Information Services | information theory |