As well as Plains-wanderers, significant bird populations in the IBA include Chirruping Wedgebills, Cinnamon Quail-thrushes, Inland Dotterels, Redthroats and Slender-billed Thornbills.
Bulgunnia has been classified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area because it is a stronghold for the restricted-range and near-threatened Chestnut-breasted Whiteface as well as supporting the biome-restricted Inland Dotterel, Bourke's Parrot, Chiming Wedgebill, Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Pied Honeyeater and Thick-billed Grasswren.
Other bird species for which the site is important include the Letter-winged Kite, Inland Dotterel, Grey and Eyrean Grasswrens, Black and Pied Honeyeaters, Gibberbird, Banded Whiteface, Chirruping Wedgebill and Cinnamon Quail-thrush.
Seto Inland Sea | Inland Revenue | Inland Dotterel | Inland Steel Company | Eurasian Dotterel | Inland Valley Daily Bulletin | KwaZulu-Natal Inland cricket team | Inland Waterways Protection Society | Inland Waterways Association | Inland Township, Cedar County, Iowa | Inland Township | Inland | E16A1 (634th ''Kōkutai'') launch out from battleship ''Hyūga'', 23 June 1944, Seto Inland Sea | Doncaster Inland Port, Rossington | Australian Inland Mission |