
3 unusual facts about Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia


Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, international centre of education and research in Catalonia

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

In 2008 it was chosen to take part in the official section of the Venice Biennale with the project Hyperhabitat and in 2010 it presented a 1:1 scale house (entirely produced at IAAC) at the Solar Decathlon Europe in Madrid where it won the Peoples Choice Award.

Located in Barcelona, one of the international capitals of Urbanism, the institution develops a multidisciplinary program that explores urban and international territorial phenomena, placing especial emphasis on the opportunities that emerges from developing countries and the cultural, economic and social values that architecture may contribute to society.

Vicente Guallart

He spent part of his time with research and educational projects as former director of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC), in Barcelona, that holds an international postgraduate program on Architecture and Urbanism working in many scales “from Bits to geography”.

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