
4 unusual facts about Institute for Balkan Studies

Institute for Balkan Studies

Thus, the Institute resumed with its scholarly pursuits under its present-day name and under the auspices of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Among its members, past and current directors, the most prominent have been Radovan Samardžić, Nikola Tasić and Dušan T. Bataković.

It is located in the building of the Academy in downtown Belgrade.

The Balkans in the Cold War, Balkan Federations, Cominform, Yugoslav-Soviet Conflict, Vojislav G. Pavlovic (ed.), Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2011, 347 p.

see also

Sighet prison

Victor Papacostea, historian, founder of the Institute for Balkan Studies in Bucharest, former Under-secretary at the Ministry of Education in the Constantin Sănătescu and Nicolae Rădescu cabinets