
unusual facts about Institute of International Studies

Francisco Tudela

Tudela was director of the Universidad Católica's Institute of International Studies (IDEI).

Wilhelm Röpke

Röpke's opposition to the German Nazi regime led him (with his family) in 1933 to emigrate to Istanbul, Turkey, where he taught until 1937, before accepting a position at the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, where he lived until his death, in 1966.

see also

Berkeley APEC Study Center

Research affiliates include Professor Cédric Dupont of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland; Professor Seung Joo Lee at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea; Assistant Professor Min Gyo Koo at Seoul's Yonsei university, Professor John Ravenhill at Australian National University, and Professor Shujiro Urata at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan.

Jussi Hanhimäki

As well as his work at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Hanhimäki has held Visiting Fellowships at LSE IDEAS, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Harvard University.

Monterey Institute of International Studies

(ret.) Russell D. Howard: Brigadier General (retired) Russell D. Howard is President of Howard's Global Solutions, Director of MonTrep, and an Adjunct Professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

William Potter

William C. Potter, professor and Director of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies