Santo Domingo | University of Santo Tomas | Espírito Santo | Instituto Superior Técnico | Santo Antão | Santo Tomás District | Santo Antão, Cape Verde | Santo Tomás District, Chumbivilcas | Espiritu Santo | Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo | Santo Cilauro | Santo Ângelo | Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas | Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México | Santo Tomás District, Luya | Santo Biasatti | Instituto Politécnico Nacional | Instituto Pedro Nunes | Instituto Cervantes | Franco Di Santo | Eugene Domingo | Espirito Santo | Domingo Faustino Sarmiento | Vitória de Santo Antão | University of Santo Tomas College of Education | Santo Trafficante, Jr. | Santo Tomás | Santo Stefano Ticino | Santo & Johnny | Santo Domingo (Ecuador) |
Jaime David made his primary and secondary in Salcedo, and later at the Instituto Superior de Agricultura (English: Higher Institute of Agriculture) (ISA), studying agronomy, and time after graduating from his bachelor was moved to the city of Santo Domingo, where he decided to study medicine at the Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).